New Born Pup
Alright fellow Guinea pig owners. My 3 year old female Guinea pig started showing signs of bleeding a couple days ago. We have already had her checked by our vet and they ran tests and did an X-ray and found no infections or stones. We also sent a sample of her waste and those tests came back negative for any tapeworm, etc. When we first noticed the spotting the blood was bright red like it was fresh. Now fast forward to today, the blood that she passes is darker and older looking. She shows no signs of pain or discomfort. Her appetite and habits are normal. She does not wheek or squeal when she urinates or poops. And her poops are normal size and pee shows no difference in color. The only option now for the vets are to perform an ultrasound. I’ve read that bleeding in Guinea pigs should not be ignored so that’s why I’m so persistent to finding answers but at the same time I’m not sure if this is something that we should just leave alone. I guess my question is is that could there be any other reason why Guineas bleed that mean no harm to them? Or should we continue the vets orders and get an ultrasound. I’m hoping that whatever is going on is not terrible and going to need surgery.