Feeling Overwhelmed With Being A Piggy Owner

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New Born Pup
May 25, 2015
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i did ample research before rescuing my guinea pigs. As an adult I've had pets before, no issue. I'm finding however that I'm overwhelmed. I feel pressurised to make sure the boys are happy all the time. I find that I am turning down social events because it's not fair on the boys. They have a 5 x 2 hutch so aren't confined in a really small space, but I'm putting so much pressure on myself to make sure they get hours of exercise that I'm making myself incredibly stressed and snappy at my daughter. In a way all my attention is going to the boys, rather than her.

3x days a week I work long hours and have sole care of my daughter and on those days I worry that I'm being an awful piggy owner because they don't get much exercise. Yesterday I left the house early and didn't get back til later and I felt terrible and really upset that I was letting them down.

I told my friend and she said I was being silly and they are no doubt very happy.

Please can other piggy owners tell me I'm doing ok?
Your doing fine, just relax and enjoy having piggies :) They should be fine in that sort of space plus there's more than one of them. Mine only run around in their cage atm, we've no flooring down (moved here in Feb), I've no runs for the garden yet either, but they seem perfectly happy. We talk to them daily, they are fed, watered and cleaned daily, I don't handle them every single day because I have allergies. You sound like your doing perfectly fine :)
With all the information around, people are more aware of the needs of piggies, but trying to be supermum can actually be counterproductive! Please take a step back and relax - and try to enjoy them! Your boys are doing fine as they are and they are in no way neglected! Your boys have a large hutch and get plenty attention on your off days, so they are well taken care of! The important thing is that they have company and space; the rest is extra.
It sounds like you are meeting all their needs very nicely and you are certainly putting too much pressure on yourself. Please try to relax and enjoy them with your daughter x
I agree with all the above posters. Your boars have space and their own company so are getting a good standard of care. Relax and enjoy them as much as you can.
Oh my word. Don't beat yourself up. You care. Your piggies have a good life. Enjoy them. Don't let them hear your thoughts or their demands of you, their slave, will only increase . :lol!:. You're doing great.
Thank you so much for your replies. They are the best piggies I could ever have wished for. They have settled in so well, so know they are happy. They are so friendly too. When I decided I wanted piggies I thought that they be in their run most of the day, so I'd come home at lunch and let them out in the run for the rest of the afternoon, but I've been told that they must be supervised whilst outside, so I feel that they are coupled up more. On the days when I don't work they have hours outside in their run, but when I work tues-Thursday I rush from pre-school to get them out as I feel awful that they've been in their hutch all day. By the time I've poo picked their hutch and out them out, my daughters starving. I just feel terrible, which is stupid, but they seem to have learnt to beg for my attention!
My piggies have never had floor time apart from in the summer when they go in the runs on the grass. I cannot bring them inside as my bf is very allergic to their hair so I can't get any in the house. Don't worry, it sounds like they have a lot of space in the hutch to run around. Plus they do get out for a few days a week so that is really good. Plus the key to a piggies heart is food anyway. On the days when you can't get them out give them a treat of cut grass and all will be forgiven.
Hmm. I think you should give your daughter lunch first and then put the guinea pigs out together after you have both eaten as an activity that you share. Waiting a bit longer wont hurt the guinea pigs but it could mean that your daughter gets pretty fed up with them and looses interest!

I actually put my guinea pigs out when we all get home from school/work so mine go out from about 3.45-7pm at the moment. Unless the weather is wet in which case they go in various indoor runs (one of which is an old paddling pool) in the kitchen for the day, I put them in the runs just before we all go out for school/work. But they get put back in their cages when we get home there is not room for the children to play with runs set up everywhere.

You will find ways of fitting them into your life and your daughter will enjoy them too. I really dont think you need to panic - a 5 x 2 double cage is fine for them and I'm sure they are happy!
I'm sure a lot of us can relate to your situation ( I certainly can) as becoming a piggy slave can take over your life! You start to worry about them & their welfare so much, - kids, work & everything else starts to take second place! But it's because we care that makes us great piggy owners & you're doing your very best! And like Hank288 has mentioned -you can always win them over with some of their favourite food & all will be forgiven! :D So, don't worry! Just relax & enjoy some piggy time with your daughter.
I know exactly where you are coming from! My children are 8 and 10 and the other day it was lovely, the piggy's were having fun in their run and I needed to nip to school to fetch the children, so I popped the top on the run and made sure they had shade and shelter and popped the fetch the children (15 mins total) but the weather suddenly changed when I got to school, then my son was late and then it thundered! So I panicked! Lol. I left my daughter to meet my son and I set off to get the piggy's in! Then the children met me at home! as it was, it never rained! But I was so worried! I'm putting pressure on myself to get things perfect for them!
Please try not to worry about your boys! They are perfectly happy as they have each other and, as long as they have a plentiful supply of hay and fresh water, they will be fine with only a brief visit morning and evening for you to give any dried food/veggies and to check they are upright and breathing! As long as your piggies are cleaned out regularly, there should be no need to 'poo-pick' - in 26 years, I have never done this as it is time consuming and is completely unnecessary, particularly if you have other commitments! To aim to keep their living space spotless is unrealistic.

We have pets in order to enjoy them - it shouldn't be a chore. Your boys have plenty of space to move around in and so will be getting plenty of exercise in their day to day accommodation, enjoying each other's company. (Many runs designed for pigs are actually smaller than your boys' living space!) View run time as a luxury - something they can enjoy when you and your daughter are around to spend the time with them.

The requirements to keep piggies healthy are fairly basic. By seeing them at either end of the day, should either of them ever get ill, you will have been vigilant enough to spot any symptoms.
Oh bless you. You sound so loving over your piggies and definitely want whats best.

Honestly, my guinea pigs only have a run around once a week. Mine have a 5x3 cage and a cage mate to live with. If you have a large cage, which yours certainly do, they do not need to be put out in a run daily as they already have a large enough cage. As someone mentioned above, a run is more for the poor piggies who are stuck in pet shop cages and do not give enough room. Try not to worry. :)
As others have said relax and enjoy. Your boys have lots of room to run in the hutch and they have each other for company, lawn time is a bonus when you have time.
I poop pick because the boys are in our living room and fresh poop can smell a bit earthy but if I'm not here it doesn't get done, I'm sure my boars don't notice! When they have floor time they just huddle under a cupboard, they get more exercise in their cage.
You are a caring piggy owner, stop worrying your piggies are very lucky to have you and your daughter to care for them.
You sound as if your boys are well looked after. their cage is big enough so you shouldn't need to give run time every day if you have other commitments. I would try and relax and enjoy your piggies and spend time with your daughter and your friends. The piggies will be fine. :tu:
i did ample research before rescuing my guinea pigs. As an adult I've had pets before, no issue. I'm finding however that I'm overwhelmed. I feel pressurised to make sure the boys are happy all the time. I find that I am turning down social events because it's not fair on the boys. They have a 5 x 2 hutch so aren't confined in a really small space, but I'm putting so much pressure on myself to make sure they get hours of exercise that I'm making myself incredibly stressed and snappy at my daughter. In a way all my attention is going to the boys, rather than her.

3x days a week I work long hours and have sole care of my daughter and on those days I worry that I'm being an awful piggy owner because they don't get much exercise. Yesterday I left the house early and didn't get back til later and I felt terrible and really upset that I was letting them down.

I told my friend and she said I was being silly and they are no doubt very happy.

Please can other piggy owners tell me I'm doing ok?

I can relate to this, although my situation is different to yours. My girls were bought for my Christmas present and I lost my job not long after, due to things happening at home at the same time I did 99% of everything for them. It got to the point I worried if I was out for even the shortest time (how would I cope with children?) and planned any outings around them! Anyway, I've come to realise that as long as they have food, water, hay and a bit of floor time each day they're happy (and Fudge would tell us if things weren't up to scratch) so I'm more relaxed now and can happily go out leaving someone else to feed them or something.

The fact that you worry is a sign of being a good owner. Your boys have every thing they need, enjoy them! How old is your daughter? Is she enjoying having pets?
Hi there! Believe me, volunteering at a rescue centre we regularly see piggies coming to us from truly dreadful situations, fed the wrong things, crawling with lice or mites, badly mistreated etc. etc. In comparson yours are living in sheer luxury:nod:, have an owner that genuinely cares and know they are loved too. x
My daughters nearly 4. She loves them too and enjoys giving them their veg. But she's a little enthusiastic which I find is quite stressful. She knows she's not allowed to pick them up, but she opens their hutch door loads to stroke them and I even though they come up to her, I worry she stresses them out. If they're in their run she'll also open the door and keep moving their water bowl. I try not to tell her off as don't want her to 'hate' them if that makes sense.
So this week I've taken a step back, and wow, what a difference. Although today they looked at me totally miserable and wanting cuddles, but I just had a day of doing so much I couldn't. But they'll not die from that, and they are well fed and watered. I've found by me not being ott they are eating so much hay. Also I'm saving so much time not cleaning the poo and wee everyday!
Your doing amazing I don't everyday hold my piggies because it's not a big deal I still will talk to them and let them know I'm around but I don't always hold them, just don't worry to much hold them when you can and don't when you can't they won't die.
I like to have mine out for an indoor run-around, but it doesn't happen every day. I work twice a week most weeks, and those days are long shifts. Working in a major-name supermarket as it approaches winter (coming up to Christmas) my job becomes full time. These are the days when I can't give the pigs much attention. I also do the vast majority of the house-work - my hubby suffered a couple of injuries that I won't get into but it means that most of the house-work and cooking type jobs give him pain. My sons are of an age to help out, and they do, but I demand little of them as they have been busy with studies and I feel that you are only young once.
Therefore there are days when I refresh the hay, food and water, give the cage a little spot-clean and that's it. I feel OK about it though because, like with yours, they do have space :)

I remember when my kids were little, aged four and six. They started school, and I started college to work at a pre-school. I worked at the pre-school, studied and did the housework and cooking and looked after the kids. Hubby worked full time and was also doing a college course in Engineering. His days were full. My days were full. I felt I was neglecting my sons at that time.

There's no easy answer sometimes, but I do feel for you and can relate to the guilt of doing your best but not being able to fit it all in.

Our pets have a way of making us feel guilty. My set-up is hard to explain, but it's split into upper levels and lower levels, and I have two separate pairs of piggies. The run is accessible by either a long tunnel ramp (from the upper level) or directly from the bottom level. Freddie, who lives on the upper, has a way of lying down with his nose to the door of the cage where I fit the ramp to the run. He looks so folorn, like a little sad puppy, when he wants to go to the run and I can't get it out/the other pair are using it. The other three long-ago mastered the art of begging for food, and the more I gave in the more they beg. I only have to move sometimes and they'll beg. It really doesn't hurt them though when they don't get what they want all the time :) but they are VERY adept at giving the guilt-trip!

You're doing great. As others say, you obviously care deeply for everyone you look after, but there's only so much you can physically fit in, and the piggies will be absolutely fine if you leave them to their own devices for much of the day :), and all day on the days where you work, just as long as they are fed and watered! Then when you get them out it will feel like quality time for everyone, and not a pressure. x
i feel better after reading all the above.. as new owners to piggies i have been very stressed worrying about making sure they have this, have that, we do this and that etc.. i give them fresh water every day, food and hay and poo pick twice a day as they are on fleece outside.. it does take over your life but today, i bought them inside for the day, made up a temp run with cardboard, chucked a few fleeces down and loved it.. they had hay, veggies and food, three houses to hide in, a primark bag with hay to play in.. it was nice just to let them get on, they hid when i wanted a cuddle them came out when i was hoovering ! they live outside so i wanted them to come in for some family time... they are still inside now at 10.30pm :) they had decided to sleep on top of one of the houses right near the big piece of fleece...
Yay! Indoor runs are great :) you don't have to worry about changes in the weather or local cats etc :) It does make it easier if you can let them have a run indoors :)
It was so Miserable and wet outside I thought they deserved a play ! Tried to persuade OH to have them inside all the time but he said no, only for winter :( roll on winter lol !
It sounds like you're doing an amazing job sweetheart! Don't stress yourself out so much; your boys sound perfectly happy and you're meeting all their needs which is fantastic!

I know how you feel - I'm a full time college student; and I need to take the bus to college which is about 5 hours on a bus every day! By the time I get home it's too late to put them outdoors so they only really go out a couple of days a week, but as long as they have a constant supply of hay and water they should be very happy!
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