Feeling Bad :-(

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 21, 2014
Reaction score
I collected my girls at the weekend and can't bond with them. I have been researching piggies for months and was so excited but they are not what I expected. I feel terrible :-(

They are very, very timid and stay in their hideouts all the time. They'll poke their head out for food and then go back in again. Any time they sense movement they run away. They don't let us anywhere near to even touch them, let alone handle them. How can I build up their trust?

One seems to bully the other and it's horrible to watch. It upsets me to think they are not happy and scared.

I know it is very early days but I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel at the moment. They are rescue pigs so I wonder if they had a horrible start in life. Will things get better or do some pigs stay shy forever?

Thanks for reading
Please do not worry. What you are experiencing is perfectly normal. As prey animals, guinea pigs are very timid and will run away. The best way to get them used to you is to hold them everyday. I have a very frightened piggy who I suspect was abused. J will tell you what I did with her. Everyday I held her for five minutes close to my chest and stroked her while talking softly. After a week I offered her herbs or vegetables. Eventually she started to accept them. Although she was very scared it seemed to lessen while she ate. I have had shereen for two years in august and she has improved slightly. It takes time and patience to earn a piggies trust but you will get there.

With piggies one is dominant and one submissive. The submissive one will give submissive screams and I know it sounds horrible but it as not as bad as it sounds. This is just the hierarchy of guinea pigs so do not worry. Have a look in the behaviour threads and you will learn more about guinea pig behaviour.
Thank you. Glad everything sounds normal. How do you suggest I get one to hold? I've tried catching them and shooing into a tube/cuddle sac but have so far been unsuccessful! They are so quick!
I agree, it does take time. I've had Tilly for a month now, she wasn't handled much in her previous home. At first she would run away when I put food into her cage but now she is staying put and even eating while I am there. She was also very skittish when we first held her but, after cuddle time every day, she seems to be calming down and even enjoying it.

As with all new animals, it really does just take time.
Please don't freak! What you are going through is absolutely normal, unless your piggies (or their mum!) are already very used to human interaction.

Guinea pigs are prey animals. It takes much longer than many people assume for them to get their bearings and to settle in. The good news is that you will get there with some patience.

Guinea pigs also need to establish or re-establish their hierarchy in new territory. What you are witnessing is simply dominance behaviour; unlike humans who can get by with a wink and a shrug, piggies have to spell everything out in bold capitals. But unlike you, the piggies come with a manual and take it as what it is; no hard feelings towards the other pig! It usually settles down within 2 weeks of arrival on average.
If I try to get mine into a cuddle sack they run in the opposite direction. So I take out they hideys put sack in cage and I back away from cage and just what. A few seconds later one, sometimes both have gone in sack and I can lift sack onto my lap. Since I've been doing this piggys are a lot calmer. I also put them into a pet carrier when taking them out side to the run. I noticed they don't like by carried when I'm walking.
As everyone has said don't worry. My piggies were really timid and I thought they hated me, I was told it can take a while for them to warm up to you but it didn't seem to be happening quite quick enough. But after a while (about 4-5 months) they now come and greet me at the front of the hutch all wheeking.

However they still can be quite timid, even the babies who we have had since they were born, only Wilma will let us stroke her in the hutch although sometimes we may be lucky enough to catch the others unaware and have a quick stroke before they realise what is going on and a dash off. I usually have to usher them into a tube or something as well to pick them up except for Betty she just sits there, I think she's learnt picking up means treats.

I'm sure it will all work out in the end, good luck :)
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