Feeling awful


Forum Donator 2023/24
Jul 26, 2019
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This last week I’ve been very poorly and feel like my boys aren’t getting the best :( only been able to have them out for floor time twice because that’s all I can manage. They have unlimited hay and water and their daily veg and nuggies just feel like I’m not doing enough for them :( fiancé has to do most of the cage clean because I’m in too much pain. Just feel horrible :(
I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I think twice floor time is fine. They’ve got food and thankfully your fiancé has been able to help clean them. You need to concentrate on getting better. Hugs.
Oh please don’t feel awful. Your boys have a really lovely big space to live in and floor time really isn’t everything when they have a nice big enclosure with lots of enrichment.
I'm sorry you aren’t doing well, please don’t be so hard on yourself. They are getting great care. You have to focus on yourself too.
Sending love and hugs to you x
Don’t feel bad, your boys will be absolutely fine, they have each other. Concentrate on you, I hope you are feeling better very soon x
Try not to feel bad @Rivervixen, my pigs haven’t been out since the wknd either as I’ve not been well but as long as they’ve got everything they need they’re absolutely fine. You’ve got a huge cage and they’ve got each other too so plenty of fun can be had in there I’m sure :)
I know it’s hard not to feel guilty, I do too but I’m sure your boys would much prefer you have a rest and feel better than have a bit of floortime xx
You need to get well so you can continue to be the great piggy mummy you are. They will be fine. Take care of yourself. ❤️
You've got to take care of yourself first if you ever want to be well enough to take care of others. As long as their basic needs are being met they can hold out for better times. I hope you're feeling a bit better soon.
Don't feel bad about not getting your piggies out every day. They have plenty of space, food, water and are being cleaned out and that is all they need. When you get better again you can spoil them then.
Sorry that you aren't feeling well at the moment. Your boys will be fine without floor time, they have a lovely cage and plenty of food and water. Take care of yourself and then you can spoil them when you are feeling better.♥️
I agree with everyone above! Your boys will be fine, take some time to heal yourself xx
Sorry to hear that you are feeling rough. Don't worry at all about your piggies. Just remind yourself that your idea of basic care for them probably far exceeds what many other piggies elsewhere receive. There's a saying that you can't pour from an empty vessel. Take some self care time.
Sorry that you’re feeling so rough.
Mine very rarely come out of their cage - even when freedom is offered.
If they have space, food and water and are being cleaned then they’re fine so concentrate on taking care of yourself.