Feel so down, both guinea pigs have bitten me

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May 8, 2011
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We brought our two boars two weeks ago and they are now 12 weeks old.

Every time during the last couple of days whenever I hold them they have nipped. It doesn't hurt at all so definately a nip and not a bite, but still not good.

This is what we are doing with them, please tell me where I am going wrong. I feed them dried food in the morning, then when the children are home from school they sit on our laps on a blanket and have some fresh food. Then we put them back in their hutch with a bowl with some fresh food in it. I top up hay once or twice a day, whenever it runs low.

They are out once or twice a day, and after a few minutes on our lap, when the food has been eaten, they wriggle like mad and start biting and it's impossible to hold them. Even when I carry them back to the hutch (I hold them close to me and support me) they are trying to bite.

So after all our work and patience they will only sit on us if they are eating.

They children will no longer stroke them through fear of being bitten.

Having two nipping pets for the next 8 years or so isn't my idea of a good pet.

Please help me and point me in the right direction.
Id say they can smell their food on your fingers. Or they need the loo. Could be a number of things. Dont feel disheartened though. All 5 of mine have bitten me at some point. I just tell them off.lol
Your piggies are testing to see what they can get away with. It is a good sign that they feel comfortable enough to try and are not scared.

However, you definitely want to discourage it. I would strongly recommend that you make or buy a cosy for laptime. This is a big fleece pocket and the piggies will feel secure on your children's laps without having to be held on to. They are also great for carrying wriggly piggies.
If your boys nip then move your hand away and make a 'tch' noise of disapproval, this worked well with my biter and she quickly learned not to do it (well, she hardly ever does it nowrolleyes). If they are in a cosy, the pig cannot move away/ fall off so you can react without panic.

I can't say whether they will settle to laptime without a food bribe as not all pigs are keen. Some of my piggies are desparate to get down from the second they finish their treats and others will happily settle down for a snooze. You have to go with the piggy flow. Wriggly piggies is also a sign that they may need a wee!

This is an excellent site to buy cosies from and Pollie is a member on the forum (threelittlepigs)

This is a picture of Flumpet (my biting girl) in a cosy
Thanks so much for your reply. I think the cosy is a great idea, am off to have a look now. Just showed my little boy and he likes the idea too. He has a mini one for his hamster (who is two and has never ever bitten or nipped!)

Am feeling a lot more confident now and quite looking forward to getting them out tomorrow. How hard could they actually bite us? Are they likely to give a nasty bite or just nips?

My husband absolutely hates them and wants nothing to do with them, which is making the situation of them nipping even worse. Lots of 'I told you so's' Grrrrr! I want to prove him wrong and show him they will be good pets for us.

Your piggies are testing to see what they can get away with. It is a good sign that they feel comfortable enough to try and are not scared.

However, you definitely want to discourage it. I would strongly recommend that you make or buy a cosy for laptime. This is a big fleece pocket and the piggies will feel secure on your children's laps without having to be held on to. They are also great for carrying wriggly piggies.
If your boys nip then move your hand away and make a 'tch' noise of disapproval, this worked well with my biter and she quickly learned not to do it (well, she hardly ever does it nowrolleyes). If they are in a cosy, the pig cannot move away/ fall off so you can react without panic.

I can't say whether they will settle to laptime without a food bribe as not all pigs are keen. Some of my piggies are desparate to get down from the second they finish their treats and others will happily settle down for a snooze. You have to go with the piggy flow. Wriggly piggies is also a sign that they may need a wee!

This is an excellent site to buy cosies from and Pollie is a member on the forum (threelittlepigs)

This is a picture of Flumpet (my biting girl) in a cosy
It's possible they may have mite's which will make them uncomfortable when being held, I agree with flip's tho get a cosy or cuddle cup so they feel secure when being held.
Guinea pig's rarely bite but they do have teeth so they can and it can be pretty nasty but it is unlikely, i clip my pigs nails and bath them and they have never bit they are more likely to warn you by clacking their teeth together if they are unhappy, i have a pig that nip's but really gentle as she thinks i am food maybe they just don't know they are doing it too hard
Thanks for the firm recommendation, flips! I find cozies a godsend for laptime and I have a seven year-old nephew who has been able to handle me pigs with much more independence thanks to cozies. See this page of my website for a picture of him holding one of my pigs quite comfortably http://www.cavycozies.com/aboutourcozies.htm

You can put the cozy in the cage to pick the piggy up. Piggies will run into it for shelter and you can then scoop them up. I think you will see a real change once you use a cozy. I take loads with me when all of my family descend on my parents because they are the only practical way for less experienced people to handle the pigs.

By the way, great pic of Flumpet, Sharon, but the one in your avatar is my all-time favourite!
By the way, great pic of Flumpet, Sharon, but the one in your avatar is my all-time favourite!

Flumps takes great pics. I haven't been able to bring myself to change my avatar because I love that photo so much. x)

Guffalo- I'm glad you're feeling more positive. Guinea pigs make great pets and I'm sure that you will find a cosy makes a huge difference when handling your boys. :)
Thanks. Is it worth treating for mites anyway? How would I do this?

I have checked through their fur and can't see anything in there?

It's possible they may have mite's which will make them uncomfortable when being held, I agree with flip's tho get a cosy or cuddle cup so they feel secure when being held.
Flumps takes great pics. I haven't been able to bring myself to change my avatar because I love that photo so much. x)

It may be one of my favourite ever pics of a piggy. Somehow Flumpet manages to look enquiring and feminine whilst also being fluffy!
Thanks. Will definately be ordering a couple. Haven't quite got enough in my paypal at the moment but should have by Wed so will be ordering then.

Will go for the all fleece large cosy.


Thanks for the firm recommendation, flips! I find cozies a godsend for laptime and I have a seven year-old nephew who has been able to handle me pigs with much more independence thanks to cozies. See this page of my website for a picture of him holding one of my pigs quite comfortably http://www.cavycozies.com/aboutourcozies.htm

You can put the cozy in the cage to pick the piggy up. Piggies will run into it for shelter and you can then scoop them up. I think you will see a real change once you use a cozy. I take loads with me when all of my family descend on my parents because they are the only practical way for less experienced people to handle the pigs.

By the way, great pic of Flumpet, Sharon, but the one in your avatar is my all-time favourite!
Thanks. Is it worth treating for mites anyway? How would I do this?

I have checked through their fur and can't see anything in there?

Mange mites are very, very common, particularly if a piggy has experienced stress eg. settling into a new home. They are not visible to the naked eye. Symptoms would be the piggies scratching continually, losing hair on their flanks, skin feeling hot to the touch and looking red and irritable and being sensitive to the touch. If they are not scratching then personally I wouldn't treat them.
Thanks. Will definately be ordering a couple. Haven't quite got enough in my paypal at the moment but should have by Wed so will be ordering then.

Will go for the all fleece large cosy.


Thanks, Gruffalo! Do you have a preference as to the fabric? I can put one by for you until you pay.
That's grand! No pressure to buy, but if I check that I have these made up then despatch can be that much quicker. Feel free to change your mind as I like to have one of everything already made up!
Mites arent always obvious, i would take them for a little check up with the vets. My baby had a urine infection that we werent aware of untill yesterday when he started weeing blood. Also dental problems cause biters. My baby nibbles me as a way of communicating, he does it when he needs a wee or if he has had enough. I would start cutting down the handling and make it shorter but more often. A quick cuddle and a kiss, something tasty then back inside before they can think about biting. I do this with little Jem. When he does bite i tell him off and put him straight back. Cuddle cups are great, i have some and the boys love them. Dont lose heart, your boys are young and finding their way in the world.
Thanks, I picked them both up today and they started biting straight away so I said NO and put them down in their run.

When I picked them up to put them back, Sammy was still for a little while then threw his head back really sharp. Not sure what it all means.

Will perservere with them. I know so many families with guinea pigs around here who never touch there's at all. I didn't want ours to be like that.

Just hope they get used to handling eventually and stop biting.

Mites arent always obvious, i would take them for a little check up with the vets. My baby had a urine infection that we werent aware of untill yesterday when he started weeing blood. Also dental problems cause biters. My baby nibbles me as a way of communicating, he does it when he needs a wee or if he has had enough. I would start cutting down the handling and make it shorter but more often. A quick cuddle and a kiss, something tasty then back inside before they can think about biting. I do this with little Jem. When he does bite i tell him off and put him straight back. Cuddle cups are great, i have some and the boys love them. Dont lose heart, your boys are young and finding their way in the world.
Throwing there head back usually means 'leave me alone' It just sounds as thought they are feisty little devils! Keep perservering, they will come round with lots of love. I imagine with personalities like that they will be good fun! :(|)
They sound like pigs with personalities! Out of nine piggies I've had recently, two have been biters. Minty was a nightmare to pick up and hold when he was young, but with regular handling and learning that he wasn't in charge, he eventually toned it down. He was an Aby.

Currently I have Murray who is a dark eyed white piggy (roan). He is horrendous, proper sinking his teeth in and not caring in the slightest and because of this we don't really have cuddles. He has such character though and we have a great relationship with him - he's so entertaining and he does like neck scratches as long as he's in his cage! I normally have to carry him in an upturned pigloo but I was brave yesterday, carrying him to the bathroom to plonk him in the bath! I don't know that he'll ever change. It's just that some pigs aren't all that touchy feely - a bit like humans I guess, except we don't bite!:)
Thanks for your reply, I will definately keep perservering with them. I'm hoping they are nipping as they are young and won't turn into realy biters!


They sound like pigs with personalities! Out of nine piggies I've had recently, two have been biters. Minty was a nightmare to pick up and hold when he was young, but with regular handling and learning that he wasn't in charge, he eventually toned it down. He was an Aby.

Currently I have Murray who is a dark eyed white piggy (roan). He is horrendous, proper sinking his teeth in and not caring in the slightest and because of this we don't really have cuddles. He has such character though and we have a great relationship with him - he's so entertaining and he does like neck scratches as long as he's in his cage! I normally have to carry him in an upturned pigloo but I was brave yesterday, carrying him to the bathroom to plonk him in the bath! I don't know that he'll ever change. It's just that some pigs aren't all that touchy feely - a bit like humans I guess, except we don't bite!:)
All of my guineas at baby stage have bitten me! As someone said, its just them establishing boundaries.

I don't condone this at all, but when I first had my first guinea she bit my husband hard drawing blood, he was so shocked he threw her onto the sofa (not a hard throw but an 'ouch you bit me!' kind of throw).....I was LIVID with him but do you know, she has never once bitten since, not once!

I just put my hand on their nose and say in a low voice, firmly 'No' and stop all stroking and interaction for a moment. They seem to understand this. Some say to take them off your lap immediately as punishment, but when they are young its what they want...they want to be with their mates, so I think this is rewarding their bad behaviour. So I make sure we have some nice positive interaction for a few more minutes with no bites. Then they get put away.

To be honest though, when they get out of adolescence phase they do settle down very well and most just curl up like a cat and fall asleep at lap time...oh to be a piggie!

I think winning the husband over may be harder work though rolleyes
Am feeling a lot more confident now and quite looking forward to getting them out tomorrow. How hard could they actually bite us? Are they likely to give a nasty bite or just nips?

My husband absolutely hates them and wants nothing to do with them, which is making the situation of them nipping even worse. Lots of 'I told you so's' Grrrrr! I want to prove him wrong and show him they will be good pets for us.

All of my girls have bitten me - especially Penelope. I've had them for a few months now, and Penelope still bites me when she's on my lap, or when I'm holding her, she'll wriggle down and nip my hand. I don't mean to make you dis-hearted by saying this haha, but hopefully with perseverance, they'll get used to being picked up!
I put a towel on my lap, and then if they are fidgety (like Lady P), I'll just turn her towards my chest, and gently place the towel over her head, so she's feels safe and secure. Then, when she's calm again, she'll pop her head back up and be a good girl for a bit. But the thing I never do is put them back after they bite me, because then they'll soon learn biting = getting what they want, and that's never good.
I know you're probably thinking, what if they need a wee? But I have only ever had one pig wee on me, whilst I was cutting her hair, and that's it!

Oww! :( Well, perhaps if you persevere and show him just how committed you are, the pigs will begin to change, and so will his opinion!
Oh, and btw, I don't feed the pigs when they are on my lap, because I think that after they have finished the food, they get agitated, wanting more, and try to wonder off. So, when I put them back in the cage, I give them a little treat that they only ever have when they've been held, so it's special.

Hope this helps. :)


Best regards,
Isabella, Tallulah, Penelope & Lily.
They sound like pigs with personalities! Out of nine piggies I've had recently, two have been biters. Minty was a nightmare to pick up and hold when he was young, but with regular handling and learning that he wasn't in charge, he eventually toned it down. He was an Aby.

Oh my blueberries - one of mine can be a little terror if she wants when I hold her.. she's an Aby cross! I've heard, aswell, that they don't like having their backs touched, and whenever I touch Lady P's back/belly to pick her up, she squawks like mad!
I've heard quite a few tales of Aby's, unfortunately... mallethead

Sure hope she isn't a biter though, and this is just a phase... :{


Best regards,
Isabella, Tallulah, Penelope & Lily.
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