Feel Rubbish!

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Jan 23, 2006
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I feel absolutely rubbish today. I have had such a bad night as I have got a blocked nose and I woke up not being able to breath properly and also a really bad throat. I can hardly talk today either! :(

I have got work 8 - 9, college 9:30 - 3, work 3 - 6! :( I think I will go into college for the first lesson and see if I feel any better... I just feel bad cause I missed Biology yesterday but I really don't feel too good today!
Go home and have a duvet day and some Otrivine
Its ACE for blocked noses
Billies Mum said:
Go home and have a duvet day and some Otrivine
Its ACE for blocked noses

yup or beconase

also if you can grind liquidise some giinger/orange and apple that normally burns the fever out of you,its like a smoothie,not too bad tasting but theres a stall in nottingham makes them and theyre called flu fighters,its worked everytime for me
Thanks everyone - I went into work this morn 8 - 9 and college 3:30 - 11:45 - A girl on my course said that I look really rough... thats exactly how I feel...!

Don't know whether to go into work later 3 - 6... I always feel like I am taking time off!
Sorry you feel bad.

Hope you feel better very soon.

Don't worry about work - these things happen.
I'm going to go to work - might as well... if I still feel rubbish tomorrow I won't go in!
Aaaaw you poor thing. Hope you get better soon.
Try lemon and honey in black tea together. It works for the throat. You could also make an inhaler of vicks vapor rub hoping your better soon love! :-*
That awful time of year again. I've already had flu but feels like I'm coming down with a cold!

Have the evening off - hang around in your jimjams and curl on sofa with your duvet! :)
cavies said:
Squeakypigs: How are you feeling today? Are you a little better?

I had a really good nights sleep but woke up just feeling as terrible as yesterday - I seem to keep burning up now and then going cold... my nose isn't as blocked as it was but still haven't got my voice back properly yet. I am not going into work today or college...
Sorry you're feeling so poorly Ellie. There are a few nasty bugs going round. People are dropping like flies round here. I wish I could get it, I could do with a couple of days off work ;D
Hope you feel better soon.
Get well soon Ellie!

I too was ill yesterday as I was sick in the morning for no reason :'(

Clare xx
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