Feel Like I've Abandoned Them!!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 3, 2016
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Cheshire uk
I'm still new to piggies ...had mine just over 1 month now and last week got a ramp tunnel to open up the outdoor hutch to the two levels and give them hopefully a bit more room . It went better than expected both up and down within 10mins. Now they tend to stay at the bottom as I think they have realised it's alot harder to get at them there. With the awful weather I feel like I'm almost ignoring them. I cannot have them inside due to OH but sneak them in the utility for floor time but they just sit there under their twig arch. Grass time was good but rains every day I'm off work. I feel I'm not interacting with them enough but it's finding what I can do that they like. They don't like lap time but I still try for 10mins a day. I know it's probably because I'm not doing more with them that they don't look like they are enjoying anything...but they both so scared I feel I'm putting them through it every time
My piggys are terrified too I feel like I'm doing something wrong with lap time as they pee and poo all over me. I've been told it just takes time so just give them time.
I'm still new to piggies ...had mine just over 1 month now and last week got a ramp tunnel to open up the outdoor hutch to the two levels and give them hopefully a bit more room . It went better than expected both up and down within 10mins. Now they tend to stay at the bottom as I think they have realised it's alot harder to get at them there. With the awful weather I feel like I'm almost ignoring them. I cannot have them inside due to OH but sneak them in the utility for floor time but they just sit there under their twig arch. Grass time was good but rains every day I'm off work. I feel I'm not interacting with them enough but it's finding what I can do that they like. They don't like lap time but I still try for 10mins a day. I know it's probably because I'm not doing more with them that they don't look like they are enjoying anything...but they both so scared I feel I'm putting them through it every time

Perhaps you can save towards an insulated shed with a window that allows you to interact out of the wet and cold in all weather?

You can train your piggies to come into a pick up, with the help of a little treat at the far end. But let them make friends with any conveyance first, so they have only happy associations.
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig

Cover any run area with a blanket at first to give your piggies a sense of protection in any new and potentially hostile territory. Sprinkle lots of hideys (including cardboard boxes with open sides) and tunnels around to give your piggies safe bases from which to explore. They are prey animals, after all.
Hand feeding with veggies works well with mine! I don't tend to have much lap time but plenty of interaction from their pen. I feed them veggies at roughly the same time each day so they know what is happening and start to get braver! Put the veggies upstairs then they will get them when you're gone probably but they'll start to realise that that's where you're going to put them.
HI @Wiebke yes I went down the route of not chasing them round the hutch and stressing us all by using their cardboard tunnel. I have to get the scared one out first or i have no hope as she knows whats coming when the other one goes first.The braver one tilly now goes in the tunnel no probs but I have to say...not yet i have to get flossy first. She's easy as her tummy rules everything and she knows its treats once shes out however the scared one has cottoned onto the fact that if she goes in the tunnel I pick her up and will run in every other direction first. Even treats don't help she just sits there as if to say no way! To be honest it's quicker to just get her by hand but I know she hates it soo much. I have got cosy pouches too now but again she's not daft and has stopped going in it incase it's pick up time. Floor time may just be doing it more..they have lots of places to hide and I put treats all over for them but they don't move from their safe place. Up to an hr later I put them back... do I just keep trying. It's just that they don't look happy
Hi @Hannah Boyd yes I thought that... I have been hand feeding them pellets downstairs then shaking the pot so they know to try find the rest...like you say they soon come up and check in their bowls. Now they have 2 floors its just a matter of educating them that upstairs is food. How long have you had yours... being inside is a huge bonus but it just can't happen for me
My piggys are terrified too I feel like I'm doing something wrong with lap time as they pee and poo all over me. I've been told it just takes time so just give them time.
Hi @Rainah ...nice to know I'm not alone mine are still on towels etc so least I'm covered so to speak! How long have you had yours.. I feel I should be on the ball by now but there is so much to keep learning about them.
HI @Wiebke yes I went down the route of not chasing them round the hutch and stressing us all by using their cardboard tunnel. I have to get the scared one out first or i have no hope as she knows whats coming when the other one goes first.The braver one tilly now goes in the tunnel no probs but I have to say...not yet i have to get flossy first. She's easy as her tummy rules everything and she knows its treats once shes out however the scared one has cottoned onto the fact that if she goes in the tunnel I pick her up and will run in every other direction first. Even treats don't help she just sits there as if to say no way! To be honest it's quicker to just get her by hand but I know she hates it soo much. I have got cosy pouches too now but again she's not daft and has stopped going in it incase it's pick up time. Floor time may just be doing it more..they have lots of places to hide and I put treats all over for them but they don't move from their safe place. Up to an hr later I put them back... do I just keep trying. It's just that they don't look happy

Have you tried a cardboard box where both girls can go in at the same time?
they can be tricky can't they?! You'll need to outsmart them by having something they really want on your upper level! A crackling plastic bag works for mine but that's only coz they associate it with veg!

once you've got something irresistible you can usually block access to downstairs off and there you go.

once you've tricked them, they will fall for the same trick every time ;)
I'm still new to piggies ...had mine just over 1 month now and last week got a ramp tunnel to open up the outdoor hutch to the two levels and give them hopefully a bit more room . It went better than expected both up and down within 10mins. Now they tend to stay at the bottom as I think they have realised it's alot harder to get at them there. With the awful weather I feel like I'm almost ignoring them. I cannot have them inside due to OH but sneak them in the utility for floor time but they just sit there under their twig arch. Grass time was good but rains every day I'm off work. I feel I'm not interacting with them enough but it's finding what I can do that they like. They don't like lap time but I still try for 10mins a day. I know it's probably because I'm not doing more with them that they don't look like they are enjoying anything...but they both so scared I feel I'm putting them through it every time
We got our piggies last June and my daughters sat on the floor with them every day for half an hour or so for the first couple of months, to get them used to being handled. It takes time for them to get used to you but with perseverance it will happen. They are all different so you may find that one likes cuddles while the other one is not so keen. Our lot (we have five) all run for it when we try and catch them and then once they are on our laps, totally chill out. They are fickle creatures - but totally addictive! Good luck!
Hi @Rainah ...nice to know I'm not alone mine are still on towels etc so least I'm covered so to speak! How long have you had yours.. I feel I should be on the ball by now but there is so much to keep learning about them.
Two of mine are total poo machines - literally firing them out! Just have to be careful when standing up that they don't scatter over the floor - OH would not be pleased! :no::D
Have you tried a cardboard box where both girls can go in at the same time?
No but I can. To b honest both can fit in the cardboard tunnel and have before now. .. it's just like tabelmabel says out smarting them. They are defo not daft! Shame she doesn't seem to b ruled by her stomach like the other. She will after a while of hovering come for her share but by then the other has eaten all hers and is ready for the shy ones too. Got to try for first time since they got their ramp and two floors to get them out as they only got their ramp mon nite. But what a difference...they run around now rather than just sitting there. Puts a big smile on your face when they look happy. I would love to have them inside so I could watch them more. I would happily spend the money twice over re a shed but we havnt the space to put one and as my hubby hates animals I don't want to antagonise him. It's a huge step that we have them at all. It's definitely hard keeping them outside. ..think that's why I feel cut off from them
Ha ha! Our two never poo or wee on us, lucky there but mike can't half pop them out! This morning he'd managed quite an artistic offering - it looked like a perfect horseshoe shape made up of approx 70 poo pellets on his bed
We got our piggies last June and my daughters sat on the floor with them every day for half an hour or so for the first couple of months, to get them used to being handled. It takes time for them to get used to you but with perseverance it will happen. They are all different so you may find that one likes cuddles while the other one is not so keen. Our lot (we have five) all run for it when we try and catch them and then once they are on our laps, totally chill out. They are fickle creatures - but totally addictive! Good luck!
How old is your daughter ...just that mines just 7. Hence the piggies. She likes to sit with them but as they just sit there under the cover safe she tries to entice them out with food. Then one will come but the timid one...no chance. I work late 2 days a week so on those days unfortunately they don't get out. I'd like to do every day but work won't allow. As you say keep going....I do panic a little when it gets later on in the day and I think I havnt had them out. I think I'm a bit ott that I have to pick them up every day. But would just feeding them in the hutch too be ok. Should I be making sure I pick them up every day at the moment?
Ha ha! Our two never poo or wee on us, lucky there but mike can't half pop them out! This morning he'd managed quite an artistic offering - it looked like a perfect horseshoe shape made up of approx 70 poo pellets on his bed
Love it!
Hi @Rainah ...nice to know I'm not alone mine are still on towels etc so least I'm covered so to speak! How long have you had yours.. I feel I should be on the ball by now but there is so much to keep learning about them.
I've had mind for about 4 months I got them when they were 5 months old.
How old is your daughter ...just that mines just 7. Hence the piggies. She likes to sit with them but as they just sit there under the cover safe she tries to entice them out with food. Then one will come but the timid one...no chance. I work late 2 days a week so on those days unfortunately they don't get out. I'd like to do every day but work won't allow. As you say keep going....I do panic a little when it gets later on in the day and I think I havnt had them out. I think I'm a bit ott that I have to pick them up every day. But would just feeding them in the hutch too be ok. Should I be making sure I pick them up every day at the moment?
My girls are 11 and 9. It is early days for you - how old are the piggies? Mine were just over a year old when we got them so had been handled - they just had to get used to us, our house and the other animals, smells etc. We got Margaret in November and it was obvious she hadn't been handled much - really didn't like cuddles. Now she give lots of piggy kisses :love:. Her babies were born in January this year and we kept 2 of them so they have known us all their lives. They still leg it when we go in for the pick up but are completely docile once they are held. We do try and have lap time every evening but sometimes life gets in the way and they miss a night so don't beat yourself up about that. Talking to them in their run helps. I talk to them when they are outdoors and when I go near their indoor cage of a night time. Just think, you have the school holidays soon so they can have lots of attention. Have you thought of getting one of those cheap wire runs that could be set up in your garden and your daughter could sit in with the pigs? That's what my girls did - used to sit with the pigs on their laps. It all helps.:D
I also agree with tabelmabel and I have to outsmart ours :)
I "lure" them into the sleeping section lol with veggies or fresh grass and then block that section off so that I can get them out as 2 of ours will avoid tunnels etc also.
Our piggies are never keen on being picked up but love cuddles and the treats etc. once they are out. :)
My girls are 11 and 9. It is early days for you - how old are the piggies? Mine were just over a year old when we got them so had been handled - they just had to get used to us, our house and the other animals, smells etc. We got Margaret in November and it was obvious she hadn't been handled much - really didn't like cuddles. Now she give lots of piggy kisses :love:. Her babies were born in January this year and we kept 2 of them so they have known us all their lives. They still leg it when we go in for the pick up but are completely docile once they are held. We do try and have lap time every evening but sometimes life gets in the way and they miss a night so don't beat yourself up about that. Talking to them in their run helps. I talk to them when they are outdoors and when I go near their indoor cage of a night time. Just think, you have the school holidays soon so they can have lots of attention. Have you thought of getting one of those cheap wire runs that could be set up in your garden and your daughter could sit in with the pigs? That's what my girls did - used to sit with the pigs on their laps. It all helps.:D
Mine were 7 week when we got them and had them 5 weeks now. School hols... not off work then either:td: but sure we will find time. I have a cheep run but outside is a nightmare at the mo as it never stops raining here since we got them!
Hi @Hannah Boyd yes I thought that... I have been hand feeding them pellets downstairs then shaking the pot so they know to try find the rest...like you say they soon come up and check in their bowls. Now they have 2 floors its just a matter of educating them that upstairs is food. How long have you had yours... being inside is a huge bonus but it just can't happen for me

The tame pair I have had for 4 years, then less tame pair I've had for about 2 and a half years. The tame ones originally had a fairly tame boar with them (who I just lost a week ago today) and this is how they learned to be brave in the first place. I now hope to move all 4 together as the less tame pair learn quickly off the other two and I notice a big difference after some all together time. Mine were all outdoors/in a shed up until Christmas so it is definitely possible to do while they are outdoors! In summer I used to have them in the run and feed them veg by lying next to the run and once one has come to see what you have, the others soon realise and will come to get their own! Or just sitting with them and watching them, they learn that you're not bothering them and become less scared.
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