Feel awful about hutches!

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
Hi everyone, my pigs are used to livig in 3x4 C&Cs with upper levels but they're moving into a shed soon so we got them hutches which are 4foot by 2foot double hutches and seem so much smaller. None of them seem happy at all, there hasnt been any mad running, wheeking and definately no popcorning all night and i feel awful, they seem scared too when we go near the hutch because they dont see us coming :'( i feel like crying they are so unhappy, they're usually so happy and bouncy! What can i do to cheer them up? Will they ge used to it? By the way the do still have upper levels but wont go down their ramps and when they do they just sniff around then go back up and sit there, there's no room for them to leg it round or jump off things like they normally do :'( i feel so guilty! x
They could just be getting used to the hutches as they are not used to them.
I have some here that wouldnt use the ramps when they first went in,Now they do full circuts of the top and bottom level popcorning and jumping off the ramp
Thank Graham, I'm probably just tired and being dramatic lol! The girls still have 4x2 doubled and my lone boar has a 5x2. I really hope they do settle in, i want my pigs back lol! Is the ramp safe with no side on it? I thought they might just fall off or jump? It seems really high! Its thistle hall form P@H? xx
in a way i know how u feel. i transfered my piggies from a small nero 3 into a 5x2 c+c i thought they would love the space, but instead they were terrified of being on the floor, and bob started bullying munchie so much, i was so upset cos i thought id made them so unhappy.

after a week or 2 they soon settled down and are now very happy.

i know mine is different to your situation but it just shows maybe you kust need to give them time to settle?
ve never used the thistle hall and for the life of me cant picture how steep the ramp is even though i have seen them in P@H often enough.
I was worried about my ramps but not once has anyone fallen off infact mine jump off and on the ramp :D

I have had piggies come in from being kept in tiny hutches and when they go into a big hutch they only use a small area for a couple of weeks then they go mad
Mine live in a Nero 3 and to give them a bit extra space I have a cuddle cup hanging form the roof but, they love the extra space they have when they are out for a run, I have loads of toys which I put down in the hallway and I give them a good run on a regular basis. I think it just takes time for them to adjust.
Id say it was quite steep, I'm just a bit paranoid about them jumping because my boar jumped from about a foot above his cage from my mum's arms and his back legs were paralysed for 4 weeks :( ive put cardboard down the side lol so they cant fall. I wil post pics when i can and show you how steep it is. Thanks for the help everyone, i hope they do get used to it :( xx
Got up this morning and they all still seem depressed, Ralfie will come to the bars and let me stroke him but he was always the most laid back and confident. Bumble and Bee just keep looking at me or running away when i go near them which makes me sad :( Sephy was going up and down the ramp last night but she hasnt today, and little Maggie doesnt seem to know whats going on, she was up at the bars wheeking before but when i stood up she legged it :( they all just seem to be sleeping or sitting in pigloos :( i hope they're ok x
Give them time Emma, they will get used to it. Just leave them be for a while and see how they go. They'll probably end up loving the hutches when you aren't looking! :D

Sending them all hugs! :)
Thanks Louise, I'm going to see how much room is in the shed and try to give them a turn each free ranging if i can block off the gaps and stuff then just shut the hutches at nigt so they stay warm :) x
Yeah! I feel sure they'll settle in soon and be up to their old tricks before too long! Don't fret too much. Good luck O0
with the ramp you could put a banister up just a small piece of wood all mine have this except Ronald and Donalds 2 tier rabbit shack they jump off it :D
I think it takes time for them to get used to the new space and it is quite a big change they will be fine. I blocked off all spaces under the cages with pet wire and blocked the door off with the side of a run (as I am not using them until summer) and mine run free range whilst I am down in the shed :)
Well the shed I'm getting is 10ft by 8ft and i have to get 2 lavender lodges and two thistle halls in it, still not sure how to do it really, id like the hutches raised off the floor that would give me a lot more space for them to run round. I have 4 separate lots so think id be best giving them turns, like have two lots down one day then the other two lots the next? id put them all together but ones always sick and the rest murder eachother ::) x
mine take it in turns to run around. Getting the hutches to fit is quite difficult those p@h ones are huge and come out quite far I would love to see pics when you have set it all up ;)
I know they are huge! But i felt mean getting any smaller because they're used to having the whole spare bedroom more or less free range in a C&C, will probably be fiting the lavender lodges on top of eachother and then maybe having the thistle halls along the 10ft wall i cant wait to do it up ;D iv been walking round B&Q etc with my mum or OH going oohh that would look great in my shed ;D does anyone have any pics of ther sheds for some ideas? x
My pictures are all on a disc at the moment I am useing the Telvision and a wirless keyboard to come online. As soon as my new laptop is here and up and running I will be able to post pictures again.
I would say twoo thistle hall will fit on the longest wall side by side :)you can take the doors off and attach a run that pets at home sell that is compatable with both thistle hall and the lavender lodge ;) I am sure you piggies are happy
Emma have you got any "bendy" tunnels? i.e. the log effect ones. When some of my piggies wouldn't use the ramp I raised it by bending the tunnel into an "L" shape and then put the short end under the ramp with the longer section extending the ramp, by doing this it took some of the steepness out. Hope that makes sense!

Give the piggies time, everything is new and they need to find their way around before they feel properly at home :) and you need to get your head around not having them in the spare room!
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