feeding wet grass?


Forum Donator 2023/24
Apr 3, 2022
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sorry if this is a really silly question! just wanted confirmation on wether its okay to feed piggles wet grass ive picked out the garden or if it needed to be dry before feeding?

* my girls are not being put out on wet grass, they are in their cage and i just pop piles of grass in, incase anyone was worried about them being out on wet grass!
sorry if this is a really silly question! just wanted confirmation on wether its okay to feed piggles wet grass ive picked out the garden or if it needed to be dry before feeding?

* my girls are not being put out on wet grass, they are in their cage and i just pop piles of grass in, incase anyone was worried about them being out on wet grass!

Please accustom your piggies slowly and gradually to any fresh grass if it is a new food. It can otherwise cause diarrhea or potentially fatal bloat. We see unfortunately deaths every Spring when piggies are confronted with unlimited fresh grass without allowing their gut microbiome to accustom gradually to the new food. Start feeding just a little as part of your veg mix and up the amount a bit with every passing meal for the next 2-3 days to allow the bacteria specialising in breaking down the new food to multiply and be ready for the task.

On a personal basis, I would not feed damp grass to any piggies with an iffy digestion, especially elderlies; it can cause some more severe bloating.
thanks for your replies guys! della and luna where slowly introduced grass last year and even got some grass time (timed) in may before the horrible weather! since the vet suggested feeding grass again we have slowly introduced picked grass again, in small amounts gradually increasing over the days, keeping an eye on all poos and tummys!

thanks again for the info!
hi guys sorry to jump back on this post, i’ve been wondering, could damp grass play a role in congestion / cause congestion? i completely forgot to mention to the vet yesterday they have been getting hand picked grass for a few weeks now.. just suddenly thought i wonder if this was maybe the cause of dellas problem!
hi guys sorry to jump back on this post, i’ve been wondering, could damp grass play a role in congestion / cause congestion? i completely forgot to mention to the vet yesterday they have been getting hand picked grass for a few weeks now.. just suddenly thought i wonder if this was maybe the cause of dellas problem!

It won't cause any respiratory issues; just digestive ones.