Favourite Thing Your Guinea Does!

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My guinea-pig, Whizz, is a real mommy's boy. We've tried and tested it. We put him on the floor and me, mum and my brother sat around him. Whizz went to my brother, sniffed him and wandered away. Went to Mum, sniffed her and wandered away then came to me. Sniffed me and leapt all the way up onto my shoulder.
I really think he knows me and thats what makes Whizz really special to me. That's my favourite thing he does too! :<>
Archie will lay on his back and let me tickle his tummy :)) He also makes me chuckle when he comes running up to take veg from me then runs off to a box to eat it :))
Lexi and Freya don't do much but sleep, but I love when they're out for floor time and Freya will just potter around right up Lexi's behind and follow her every step. If Lexi goes up to the doorway and runs off, Freya will do the same. She does make me laugh.
Both Leeland and DT will reach up my legs as far as their fat little bodies can when they want me to stop cleaning their cage and give them some nibbles. Also when giving Leeland a big 'good morning' rub down she flattens like a pancake and then sticks out 1 leg, rolls on her side a little and then yawns nice and wide. No-one else in the house seems to be able to make her yawn by stroking her. So cute!
Sundae 'talks' to us- all the time! She wheeks pretty much whenever we walk past... she also twitters away to us pretty much the entire time she sits with us on the couch. It's gratifying to see her interact so much because she was VERY shy when we first got her. We also bought her following the death of another piggie who was also a chatterbox, so it's nice to have a second one who apparently thinks we speak piggie!

My favourite thing about Linney is just her overall sweet and lazy disposition... she's such a lap pet. She falls asleep on us all the time. She is so mellow that she mellows me out when I'm around her! And I really need that some days! I also appreciate that she potty trained herself and apparently the other two piggies that she has lived with... she always goes back into the cage to pee, and the other two have always done what she has done. So thanks for that Linney, no piggie puddles on the floor!
I have a couple favorite things that I just cant choose one :))

The first one is whenever they here some sort of plastic bag or the fridge open the start wheeking for some noms and demanding treats.

Second I love the fact that Oreo follows Vinny all through the cage to see what his best bud is doing.

Lastly I love how protective Vinny is of Oreo, he even makes sure I do not pet him tom much because Oreo is his :))

I pretty much love everything they do hehe:p
Ludwig will always stand on his hind legs with no support whenever I come in the room and is straight over to see me. He's extremely cheeky too.

Corey and Romano rush over to their large triangle full of hay and sit having a kicking match with one another trying to gobble it all up. It's silly as they have tons of space but still like to nudge and kick one another. Silly boys.
What is your favourite thing your guinea pig does? x)

Firstly hi, and welcome to the forum.

Hmm difficult one. For my trio of girls it has to be that butters first up the cage waiting for her nom noms and puts her paws on the door so I have to shu her off before I can get the food in. She's the loudest.rolleyes

Or the way violet has learnt to perch on the upper level with paws hanging over the edge onto the ramp and stops the others from getting up the ramp or making them do the ramp backwards. She's like a lion the way she goes for the highest point.
Captain jack does the same when it's cuddle time, shoulder every time! Unless his new wife is with him, then he just follows her away.:(|)
I love it when ditto snuggles into my arm yawns and falls asleep really tightly. Cuddled up to me with his head on a tilt on my arm . It's a lovely half hour cuddle before he gets fidgety then I no he needs a wee lol x
All my pigs do things i love - as i have q10, this could be a long post ;)

Wexford (aka Dappy) - I love it when we spot clean the cages, he'll follow the hoover round investigating the area's just cleaned and will popcorn all over the place - he makes it soooo obvious that he's checking out our cleaning skills.... I also love it when he comes out for lap time and falls asleep all curled up x)x) i love his piggie kisses drool

Tulisa - so funny when i tried them with celery and all she did was lick my hand/arm and wouldn't go anywhere near the celery stick :)) She also has this look that makes her look so sad/sorry for herself....

Charlotte - i love the fact that when feeding 'yum-yums' she gets that eager she'll climb on top of whoever is in front of her.

Hannah - the youngest pig of all 10 - she's a live wire and just popcorns over anything/everything. She never sits still during lap time and fake lies down until she thinks you are not paying attention then tries to make her getaway...

JJ - i love how most of the time she'll sit for hours being stroked but then there are other times when she'll come to the cage bars, but when you go to touch her she'll run off, popcorning as she goes....

Summer - always the first at the cage bars for food - she's also the one who taught 3 of her cagemates that if you give your human slave a piggie kiss on the lips you'll get more yum yums ;)

Shadow - always comes to say good morning/good night and popcorns like crazy when his cage has just been cleaned. He is much braver than his cagemate Elvis, but can sometimes spook himself - making Elvis follow behind :))

Elvis - is just Elvis - his hair makes me laugh - he has a bad hair day most days :))

Homer - will scream at us if we talk to him. If you go up to his cage he will put his front paws on your hand/arm and try to climb up - his way of telling us he wants to come out and explore.

LB - at 1.5kg he is a big lad and finds the art of popcorning quite difficult, it's not quite a jump, and is really amusing to watch - he loves his cardboard boxes!
Ours just like to cuddle up on our laps and then make these funny happy noises when I gently stroke and massage their backs. They loooove that, all of them!
And I love it when they put their noses up and sniff the air and one can see their litte lips.
And our Spotty and Basil who are inseparable often cuddle up together.
I love the way Gino sits up on his back legs and looks like hes "begging" when I walk in their room in the morning with their breakfast :))

And Jamie's back leg goes nuts when I give him a back rub lol! its the same thing a dog does when you tickle their "spot" :))
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