Favourite piggie

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
do you have one and if so why? I love all my piggies dearly but have a soft spot for Daisy who came to me as a no longer wanted pet :( she had been bought from a pet shop at approx 6wk old and had lived alone until she came to me as a 3 year old. It is lovely to see how she has changed living with her new friend Candy and surrounded by other piggies and loads of love and attention. :smitten:
That is a hard one, but i think it will have to be Rusty, she is a real charactor and i got her from a pet shop in Cornwall on my holiday lol, i didn't like the way they handled her, and she bit me when i held her so really it was love at first bite.
She was pregnant as i found out 3 weeks after we got home, what a shock she was only 12weeks i i just didn't notice.
yes this is a hard one but i'd probably have to go if pushed for my Chester, he's just such a mumys boy :smitten:
it was dobby :'( and of course floo a real mummys boy but then again charlie is getting my vote now he is so charming if you know what I mean :smitten:
As much as I love my piggies, my first (Herbie) will always be my absolute favorite. He was jet black with a crest. I saw him in a pet shop when I was around 14, I asked the owner about him and she told me he'd been sat there for around 4 years! Apparently someone took him home once but returned him as he was 'too noisy'! I immediately took him home and that was the start of my Piggie obsession xD :smitten:
Mine is Angel for the simple reason she came from a hellhole and is so very grateful to me for rescuing her
second fav is Fluffyhead aka Caramel,hes so damn funny,he holds the syringe between his paws when i give him his metatone so I dont have to hold it,and he looks like a fluffy lion

I think Sars fav is Chessy,hes laid back and loves her to bits,ever since she used to sit him between her boobs when he was little and maybe Mr and Mrs Pig as they were our first,Sherbert the baby too as shes totally mental
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