Favorite thing

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My favourite things about my piggies are:

Donnermeat - He is all dominant and brave and sticks up for little Chips when Rogan starts bullying him

Chips - That high squeek whenever I walk past the hutch saying 'give me some food pleeeeeeease'

Rogan - His obsession with my shoulder and going to sleep on it (i think he was a parrot in a previous life)

Josh - How he loves his home (he escaped from the run last week and could of ventured into any of 4 fields but instead he came into the kitchen and begged for food)

Awwwwww I love al of of my piggies so much, cant you tell haha... sorry for the essay lol
My favorite thing about my piggies are:
Peanut: When I hold him in my lap and he completly sprawls out and his very relaxed (it is adorable)

Bandit: When he looks at me with his cute little eyes, and sqeals for food!
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