father and son fallout.. help needed !

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Feb 23, 2009
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Hi there.
I recently took all your advice into consideration when i asked wether my father piggie (Russel) would get on with his son (Gus), you all said it should work out fine. Which it has for the past 6 months, as the weather has warmed up all my piggies are out on the grass and are loving it haha ! But yesterday and today we have had torrential rain and i looked out on them to find Gus (the baby) outside absolutley drenched ! i ran out to get him and i warmed him up and dried him thoroughly and fed him some salad. He cheered up but then when i was checking him over i found some open wounds on his ears, so i put some powder on them and cuddled him untill i knew he was okay. Everything was fine and i cleaned them all out and put Gus back in his hutch. But then i got a phonecall from my mum saying Gus' father attacked him and was chasing him around the hutch them both screaming. I was shocked so we brought Gus inside. We just dont know what has caused it, any suggestions i really dont want to have to rehome one ?
lauren x
Oh sorry I cant help (I dont have any males) but I really hope they can sort things out.

My group of 5 girls had a big fall out yesterday/today - theyve been together for over a year - 3 sisters, mum and friend and one of the sisters went asbo attacking randomly.

Mine are all back together and settled at the moment (could all change in a moment) - I hope some with boar experience come along to help soon. Wonder if your boys hormones are kicking in although I thought 2 male pigs of different ages were probably a good combination,

Best of luck


I'm so sorry your boys have fallen out, unfortantly with any piggie bond things arent always set in stone. :(

It sounds like the son is going through the hormonal period too, how big is the hutch they're kept in? Has there been a change in their enviroment recently?

It might also be the weather (i know this sounds silly!) but when it started warming up a month ago my two boys went from peace and harmoney to two boars rumbling every second they've calmed down now though.

What I'd suggest is giving them a bonding bath, cleaning all the hutch down and introducing them again on neutural territory. If this results in fighting you will have to think about seperating them.

Laura x
Hi, my baby guinea pig and his older cage mate have been having some quite nasty spats. The baby and Jasper had little cuts around the mouth that looked sore. TBH i think its normal, the younger one is **** trying for dominance and his daddy is putting him in his place. My boys have settled a bit now, they still chatter and bicker but no more big fights. Just keep an eye out for serious wounds, it's so hard but best to let them sort it themselves as much as poss. Jasper gets very cross with the baby and when i sat and watched i could see why. Baby Jem was being very cocky, or getting into mischief. I think it's how they learn the ways of being a piggy. Good luck;)
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