Fascinating Behaviour

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hertfordshire uk
Out of our four piggies its very clear what the hierarchy is the two older ones on top with Wilma ruling the roost and Betty coming next. Then the two little ones with Pearl unfortunately at the bottom of the pile.
I find that whilst that there may be a brief challenge still from Betty Wilma will always put her back in her place. The babies are establishing their own hierarchy between them but never challenge mum & aunite to move up the ladder. I suppose they were born into it and just accept that's their place.

However the most interesting behaviour I find is how Wilma treats the little ones. They are about 3 1/2 months now so they aren't that little the big ones are about 7 months old. She seems to be a bit more lenient towards them. It's obvious who is in charge but Pebbles can quite easily take food out of her mouth without her batting an eyelid but if Betty where to try that she would get told off. Whilst at the same time Pebbles wouldn't do that with Betty

I find this behaviour really interesting how there are different relationships between the group. They are so interesting to watch.

Quick pick of the little ones ...
They are really gorgeous. :)

Pig behaviour really is fascinating. I'm enjoying watching the interactions between my boar dated boars as they get older.
Adorable pigs! I also find the dynamics between mine interesting (and I only have a pair.) The younger, less dominant pig has some health issues, and I can see that the dominant pig cuts her some slack when she is sick. She lets her have the pigloo most of the time when she's sick and generally acts more accommodating. It's interesting that she knows.
Aww that's very sweet of her. Betty used to be like that towards Wilma when she was pregnant. As wilma wasn't too mobile Betty would run around and then run back to the box Wilma was sitting in like she was checking she was ok. Then she would go for another run around.
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