Farewell Mrs Fudge

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Staff member
Nov 1, 2013
Reaction score
Cheshire, England
Our dear old lady and longest resident of the piggy room Mrs Fudge was helped on her way to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. We adopted her 5 years ago from a non PB rescue as a companion for our gorgeous Aby, Toffee, when Toffee's sister Shirley died suddenly. She and Toffee bonded easily and were inseparable.

She later accepted Mr Ted as her companion when we lost Toffee.

Mrs Fudge was a very softly spoken top sow. She demanded the best bed, best cosy, and first choice of the veggies. She hated exercise and was a real couch potato. She rarely wheeked except to show her indignation and would never cooperate with anyone if she had a choice. Always last to come in from the outdoor run -evading capture was the only exercise she seemed to enjoy. She quickly earned the affectionate nickname of Fatface or Fatty.
Despite 5 years of living with us she still legged it when we approached her and she could hold her breath longer than any piggy I've ever come across in an attemp to try to make herself invisible. Despite all of this she did enjoy lap time (once captured)and would sit for ages being petted. She tolerated Mr Ted rather than adored him and they were known as Mr and Mrs for their grouchy but affectionate relationship. They lived companionably together for 2 years.

Since the start of the year she was slowing down a little and X-rays showed advanced arthritis in her knees leading us to realise she was considerably older than 5 years. She was otherwise very healthy until the end of last week when she suddenly developed breathing problems and didn't respond to the treatment. So we made the heartbreaking decision to let her go. When we brought her home we gave Mr Ted the chance to say his goodbyes. He washed her face so lovingly. She's now buried in the garden in our special corner where Shirley, Toffee and several other small furries are buried.
Popcorn free at the Bridge with Toffee, Mrs Fudge. We will never forget you.

I'm sorry to hear of her passing. She has obviously had a wonderful life with you. Hope Mr Ted is holding up ok x
I'm so sorry. She was absolutely gorgeous.

Popcorn (or demand a lovely snuggle cosy!) over the bridge little one x x
What a beautiful tribute for your special lady. Sleep tight Mrs Fudge xx
RIP Mrs Fudge, I hope your butt has claimed the bestest, snuggliest bed over the bridge
So sorry for the loss of your sweet little lady. A beautiful tribute to a wonderful piggy, Massive hugs to you x x x

Sleep well pretty girl

RIP Mrs Fudge
x x
I am very sorry that you had to let your gorgeous and much lady go! She had a very happy, long life with you.

RIP Mrs Fudge
What a lovely tribute. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sleep tight gorgeous girl xx
Popcorn free at the bridge you beautiful dame of a piggie thoughts are with your family left behind x
She seemed like such a great piggie, so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Mrs. Fudge. :hug:
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