Falling out!

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

Just a not to say that Sunshine and Twinkle had a major falling out this morning, as if rolling around fisticuffs! :o We didn't seperate, I got them some food and still they were at it and Sunshine was terrified. It was Twinkle that started it as usual.

Twinkle is now in a Nero 3 and I am going to try and bond, Pudsey, Eccles and Sunshine. If that doesn't work then I can get Sunshine neutered to live with the girls.

I think trying to bond him with Pudsey and Eccles is at least worth a try, the relationship between him and Twinkle has been failing since October, sadly it's gotten worse. I hated to pull them apart but this has happened a few times now it is steadily getting worse.

Going to read up on Barmy for Boars. Wish me luck!

aw no, naughty twinkle! hope all goes ok with the bonding. what are you going to do with twinkle now they are seperated?
For now Twinkle is going to live in the living room, and hopefully he will calm down and become tamer with more people around him on a daily basis. I'm hoping that when he does calm down he can be introduced to a baby boar when he is slightly older.

Boys! :)
Oh no :o Thats what happened to mine this morning :-\ Ive separated them now O0
Best of luck Louise. Hope all goes well, so sorry they have had a major fall out.

Twinkle bless him looking at his adorable little picture you would think butter wouldnt melt. :smitten:
Aww no Kay! Will read your post in a min. I don't know what to do for the best. Been reading up and barmy4boars said don't try 3 boars together as your established pair may fall out so I don't want to change it as I don't have the space to seperate Pudsey and Eccles.

I currently have Twinkle in a Nero 3 in Emily's bedroom (temporary as I'm not sure where to put him!)
Sunshine in the 5x2 hutch
The girls in the c&c 3x3 cage
and Pudsey and Eccles in the Nero 3 (when they aren't in the other pen in the daytime!)

I'm having a think about C&C now, may be my best option as I can keep S&T seperated for now but they can still see one another.

I don't want to get another pig as I'm just going around in circles. I can't think as I'm full of cold as well...lol :D

Lindsay, I know he is gorgeous, Peter wanted to rehome him. He doesn't care much for Twinkle I cannot part with my big boy, I know he is daft as a brush but if I rehome him it's just going to stress him I refuse to give up on him. I'll sort them out. Little monkeys! :smitten:
Was it a full moon last night or something?
Today Honkey is rumbling at Mervyn and Harrison is rumbling at Brian.
Winnie and Bumble fell out really bad this morning, they are now separated for good. :o
bob was being obsessively dominant last night :o but hes ok now ::)

there must be something going on with boars at the min
Fingers crossed that Pudsey and Eccles dont start. They are such good boys though!

Fleur was a madam the other night she had a lesbian moment and was mounting Flora. Poor Flora, she looked at me as if to say get her off me mum! :D
;D ;D ;D Daft girls, sorry to hear about S & T falling out.
Hopefully side by side will work well for them. O0
Thanks Kelly and Anne! Had an email from screwfix to say my grids are on their way! Yey! :)
Oh no Louise,

So sorry to hear that all is not well in paradise....That Mr Twinkle of yours is a little monkey eh?!

Do hope that you get it all sorted, perhaps he will mellow with age.

Maybe as you say get him castrated and introduce him to the girls, perhaps he will fell more comfortable with girls he will feel like the man of the house and not feel as if he has to prove that he is the big man all the time...Good luck
Thanks Kaz. Yep he's such a Diva! I'm hoping he will mellow with age. Still waiting for my grids to come. Hopefully he will like living next to Sunshine and once they get over this teenage stage I can slowly bond them again, but if not then I can introduce a baby boar to Sunshine and they can live next to Twinkle. Perhaps he is just one of those pigs that prefers living alone.

Fingers crossed it works for them though as I don't like pigs living alone. :)
That was what I original thought Graham, I just don't have the space to put them side by side. Ontop of one another, but then they can't see each other...lol

My grids have just arrived so going to get on with that. Going to raise it off the floor. I'm not comfortable with them being on the foor in the pig room as it is slightly cooler, better to raise it up I think. :)

It's took my 24 hours to decide what to do. I miss Twinkles Popcorning, since he has been in the Nero 3 he is just sulking all the time...lol
Awww sorry they fell out big time, it is a shame. You might have better luck neutering Twinkle and letting boss the ladies around and trying to bon Sunshine with a baby boar?
bob is being a right git to munchie tonight! :o usually they get on so well, but he is being so dominant and stroppy at the min ::) i think hes in a right mood about something 98)
LOL Bob has the Devil in him at the moment. :)

Fi, Twinkle is too naughty to live with the girls I think, I don't think Fleur would accept him or Sunshine anyway. I've got them living side by side at the mo and they seem ok, fingers crossed...lol :)
Will do Karen, I posted on another thread last night. I've got Pudsey and Eccles in the 5x2 hutch (it's indoors) Sunshine in a Nero 3 and Twinkle next to him in a Nero 3, his cage over hangs a little but Peter propped it up so it isn't unstable. The girls are in the new grids in the living room in a 4x2. :)

There was loads of teeth chattering going on with S&T, so I think we made the right decision in seperating. They are both too dominant to live together. :)
sounds like its definately the right choice if they were still funny with each other through the bars. they will probably settle down soon enough now theyre seperate. fleur sounds like a right madam too ;D

bobs calmed down a lot today, he could have been in a bad mood cos i clipped his claws yesterday. he usally sulks all day after a claw clipping ::)
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