Fallen Out Boars

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
I posted about my himi's boar's before, they fell out sadly.

Can anyone tell me if you can reintroduce boars that have fallen out or will they just fight again?

I seem to be having a right time trying to find a vet to neuter one of the boars, I just asked one (inbox on FB) and he/she starts going on about taking him for an health check before neutering because I was asking how safe it was etc. As much as I would love to, I cannot get the guinea pig there and back for a check up and then there and back again for neutering. So I'm looking for other less stressful options.

It's times like this I wish I could drive.
Whether you can re-introduce fallen-out boars depends largely on:
- did it come to a fight with full-on bites? If yes, boars will rarely go back together.
- the age: if they are in the middle of the puberty months, then your chances of a long term bond are rather slim; fights are caused by a mixture of hormones on the rampage and clashing personalities. The younger fighting boars are, the less they are generally character suited as a rule of thumb. Post-hormonal adults can often be successfully introduced after a scuffle after a cooling-off period, as their issues are usually not personality based.
This new sticky guide here may help you: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/boars-bullying-fighting-fall-outs-and-what-next.127295/
Yeah, they bit/scratched, one had a cut open pad, bite on lip, and bit on face, the other had a bid sort of near his face/neck.

They are about 8 months and 1 year old.

I'll have a look at that thank you.

Shaz from the rescue we got them from thought they were both trying to be the boss of the cage.
@Wiebke has a wealth of knowledge on this subject
My two brothers fell out at around 5 months. They were both bitten quite badly etc. I have tried 3 times to reintroduce using all the tried and sensible tested methods to sadly fail. They live side by side and interact well but as soon as they have longer than 10 mins floor time together Edgar turns on Poe.

I hope you can get them back together but if they do draw blood etc most times it is unlikely. Good luck!
Thank @GloriousGuineaGirl TK is next to the older boars in my room in a 2x5 and Cesaro next to the girls in a cage that I'm not happy with, will hopefully be changing it next week, they both seem happy enough but I would like to get the sorted and paired properly.

I guess I'll just have to try and find a friend for TK and just do what I was going to with Cesaro. In all honesty I am very reluctant to have him neutered because of people losing their boars during or after the op's, hence me trying to find away around this problem.
Thank @GloriousGuineaGirl TK is next to the older boars in my room in a 2x5 and Cesaro next to the girls in a cage that I'm not happy with, will hopefully be changing it next week, they both seem happy enough but I would like to get the sorted and paired properly.

I guess I'll just have to try and find a friend for TK and just do what I was going to with Cesaro. In all honesty I am very reluctant to have him neutered because of people losing their boars during or after the op's, hence me trying to find away around this problem.

Could you contact @Stewybus for transport either north or south when he comes to the TEAS open day in Northampton, so you could book a neutering op at Cat&Rabbit Care Clinic. Perhaps another member could to do the other leg or part of the other leg? That is by far the safest place to have any boars neutered without issues. A neutering op there costs around £50.
I don't want to have to neuter either but eventually when I go the states I may have to rehome my boys and if they are neutered it is much easier so they can be paired with girls, something which Edgar & Poe need regardless whether I rehome later in the future or get two girls here for them.

Where are you based?
It could be done via Debbie at TEAS but when I had conversation with Kerrie the logistics wouldn't work as you would need volunteers to take the boy to the Cat & Rabbit Clinic on a morning. Then you would need more volunteers to take him home on the afternoon after recovery. Then he would need to be taken back a few days later for post op check-up. There are at least 3 good piggy vets listed on TGPF vet locator with 25 miles of Kerrie, one in particular at Chesterfield who has been recommended to me by Dindypig x
I was never offered to have him stay there. I was told he COULD stay over night if necessary, that was it. I don't expect people to look after my guinea when he's just had an op though.

It doesn't matter if it's 10 miles or 100 miles, non of us can drive and as I've said a few times to you, I have SAD (I have other health problems as well) so I cannot go and sit on public transport nor would I put Cesaro through it.

I don't trust the one in Chesterfield simply because of the response I got on Facebook, not knowing prices etc. and not being able to answer my concerns. Not only that, the person I spoke to has suggested he goes for an health check as well... two trips to Derbyshire.. He's already had health checks, two of them lol.

For those who don't understand Social Anxiety Disorder, it means I'm not very good in public, I'm no good with people period. I even stutter when I talk to my own Mum on the phone.

Anyway, @artcasper has very kindly offered to take Cesaro with my son if I can get an appointment on a weekend. If they don't operate on a weekend we'll have to try and figure something else out.
I still don't trust that Chesterfield one, the person responding to messages sounds rude. However I have had a very nice response from the one in Alfreton so may go with that one, they even said I go could for an appointment to talk about the neutering and to look at their facilities.

I had this response when I was asking how many neuter's Ellie has done roughly. Which really made me feel at ease, so he may go to that one regardless of the price, as long as he's ok after and heals well etc. I don't mind paying £85.

"Hi, that is a very difficult question to answer as I'm not in the practice but definitely in the hundreds as we do them for a guinea rescue centre as well as clients. I think the best thing is for you to make an appointment to discuss your concerns with Ellie in person. You can also look round our facilities if you wish, it may settle your mind. If you do book in elsewhere be sure they will send your piggy home with oral pain relief (Metacam for dogs). All of our small furry neuters get this in addition to post operative gut motility agents and antibiotics for piggys (we find pigs are prone to wound infections). To be honest this usually makes our prices higher than elsewhere but as we are a veterinary hospital rather than a standard practice we do not cut corners and try to keep our standards as high as possible."
Fingers crossed. hun. What a stressful time you've been having with it all!
Sadly I have doubts that they'll get on if reintroduced. I know you've explored every option that's come up with regards neutering, so fingers crossed... xx
I've looked into the Alfreton practice myself in case of any problems with my girls. I think that's the one that I would use. However it means driving on the motorway and I get so nervous driving long distance (eg more than like 20 minutes) :P

I really hope things work out Kerrie. You're doing everything you can. :hug:
I use the Alfreton one myself too, when I can get a lift. Like you distance is an issue for me but this one is 30 minutes by car from me.
I know they have specialists there, one specialising in small animal surgery, and looking at the history of the practice, even though they do a heck of a lot of work for dogs and cats they do seem to specialise in small animals. I have heard that the vets consult with each other when necessary, so with the small animal surgeon, the heart-lung specialist and the two guinea pig specialists there I have high hopes that they would be able to give a thorough risk assessment before surgery and would have a fair chance of dealing with any complications if they occur, but should be able to avoid most complication through skill and experience anyhow. I do like the fact that they have hospital status, and the response to your question sounds fair in terms of explaining why they are more expensive than some.

However that is my impression of them, and not my experience in terms of surgery, as I only have experience in Snowball being given a good check and assessment , and treatment for her breathing problems. But it is the practise I plan to use in the future, where possible.
I also think it bodes well that it's the practise of choice for one of the local rescues. I don't know if that's Avalon or another in your area, but I would have thought that if this practise messed up in terms of treatment, or the pigs came back with complications, they would be ditched by the rescue in favour of another, so I think that in itself speaks well .... x

Thinking about it it's probably not Avalon - they have a non-neuter policy
Avalon use Dove in Stapleford. I did look but the don't have that certificate. I do think he'll be going to the one in Alfreton.
Thinking about it it's probably not Avalon - they have a non-neuter policy.
Avalon use Dove in Stapleford. I did look but the don't have that certificate. I do think he'll be going to the one in Alfreton.
Just remembered something regards Avalon and updated my last post whilst you were posting yours :)
Wishing you all the best, at least it's one stress out of the way to come to a decision. I find things go round my head and are very stressful when you're trying to look for good options and don't know where best to turn! x
Well it said so on their official web-page last time I was looking for a recue pig to adopt! Unless they've changed it, but it was only a few months ago, just before I found Freddie to go with Snowball.
He's ok thanks, chuck, no change in him. He's frustrated and restless. I'm going to disappear in a few minutes and set his run up for him, and let him blow off steam for most of the day :) Poor little guy's been a bit cooped up because I was working most of yesterday and Firday :)
I'm just counting the days now until his new wife arrives, or should I say old wife-to-be-reunited-with :)
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