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Fall from a height.

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Whilst carrying my male guinea out to his run, he suddenly, with no warning, launched himself from my arms at high speed. Something terrified/spooked him...he is very tame and has never done this before. So basically he landed on grass from about 5 ft high, but also he jumped foward a few metres infront of me. He immediately lay on his side and looked very unhappy. We took him inside and called the vet, taking him in as an emergency. He was moving sometimes, but kind of stertching out and them laying on his side again, occassionally nibbiling and grooming either side of his hips area. The vet took some xrays, that were inconclusive, but it may be that he has some pelvic damage on one side or the other and he looked a bit lame. I was advised that it was not the time for him to have a GA in order to take more xrays, and to take him home, after a pain-killing injection to monitor for the weekend. He has nibbled a small piece of apple this afternoon, and has moved a bit more, but I am not feeling hopeful for his recovery. Has anyone seen a piggy recover from a fall at this height/ and or seen this lying on the side behaviour before ?
Gps can recover from falls.There is no need to aneasthetize to do x rays.I think the vet would know if their were any fractures,so hopefully just bruising.He will be in shock,so keep him warm,on a soft vet bed or towel.Give him a drop of Rescue Remedy available from a health food store or chemist.I think Sainsburys and some other supermarkets stock this.This will help ease the shock.Make sure he is drinking and eating.Give him so water by syringe anyway because shock can cause dehydration.If he is not moving around,make sure he does not lie in one position all the time.Gently move him.

Paws crossed that he will be o.k.
Oh thanks so much for replying,I will syringe feed him some water shortly, as you recommended. He isn't really moving, he is sitting in his little bed area (he is near me in the house in a small plastic cage that we keep for piggy emergencies and transport) and not doing much but seems awake and at least not lying on his side anymore. He has eaten 3 bites of apple since having the accident at around 11am. The vet said that he felt by manipulating that he had some pelvic damage and possibly internal injuries too, to quote him 'there was something odd but he coudln't put his finger on it, and it was inconclusive?!', but couldn't be sure without lying him out on side during a GA. Mind, saying that, it wasn't my usual guineapig vet - so I am a bit sceptical about how much he knew about guineas.
Sorry to hear about your accident, don't blame yourself it can happen to anyone.

Did your vet also check the head / teeth / mouth? It's common to have injuries here if they fall e.g they can break a tooth or put their teeth through their front lip if they land that way.

Sorry I can't be much more help but take MaryH's advice, and rescue remedy is great for shock if you can get some. Otherwise keep the pig warm and comfortable and offer tasty bits of food. If it's not drinking you can sprinkle some water on some greens to get more hydrated. Good luck and let us know how you get on

Thanks Sophie. No the vet didn't check the things you've mentioned ( Mmm, not sure how good a job he did in total actually!), but I have checked myself, as I once had a pig who leaped back in his cage and broke a tooth/cut mouth. His mouth and head area seem fine :) he still hasn't come out of the small house of his own accord, but I have manage to syringe some water quite well, and he just ate one mouthful of freshly cut grass. Will go and get some rescue remedy shortly, makes sense to keep some in the house jsut incase,even for the other animals.I do feel bad, even though I know there was nothing I could do about it, it was bizarre behaviour from him and I had him as tighly held as I could. I adore this guineapig, out of any I have ever owned he is the most special to me, so I'm relaly hoping he makes it through tonight.
So far so good, see how he goes and if in doubt take him to see your usual vet for a second opinion!

What's his name? He sounds like a real sweetie

Get as much fluid into him as you can and if he is not eating much you will need to syringe feed.
His name is Tumnal...he is so 'different' :D Out in his enclosure he sits right on top of his 'hidey house', nose in the air and sniffing/peering around, as if daring anything to be a predator ! He is so bold and so naughty...he up turns bowls immediately if the food isn't to his liking ::) I will try and post his picture shortly. Maryh..I've heard that baby food can be syringed, but I don't have any of that....could I puree some veggies or something ?
I've just popped his picture on the avatar, rather small, but the best I could cope with (technologically speaking ::))

Good idea about the pellets, i don't use them but have a free sample that I could use as you suggest.

I will, of course, let you know the outcome. Thanks for all your help, both of you.
Sorry to hear about your guinea. If the mashed pelletsdon't work you could always try vegetable baby food. Hope he feels better soon x
The jars of baby food are fine,or you can liquidise your own.He will need more than this tho.I grind up the dry mix or pellets in a coffee grinder,mix to a soup with warm water.Makem it just thick enough to go in the syringe.Get as much into him as you can.Ideally,you need to get at least 25 mls per day into a piggy that is not eating at all.Fluid is very important,get as much into him as you can.Little and often is best.
Thanks for your time Mary, but I don't think I will be needing to follow your advice, all is going REALLY well ! :) He has finally left his little house and is eating some hay without being prompted. His walking seems good and although obviously I don't know about internal injuries, he ssmes to be improving at the moment. He has gone from a guineapig that I thought was dying, rolling on his side, heavy breathing and staggering around to one that seems very different right now. I hope that I can now prove the vet wrong who said that there was 'something suspect' and he 'possibly had a fractured pelvis'. Mind, i have to say, the way he presented this morning he really looked like he was on his last legs. i think he was concussed, if that is possible, or a combination of that and being in shock ?
Probably badly shocked.Keep a bottle of Rescue Remedy in,it does help,helps the shock of the owner as well!.

So happy for you that he is better.
so glad your piggy is doing better, i would to be on the safe side take him to your normal vet for peace of mind if nothing else. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: jessie is such a wigglier that she has fallen from OH's hand onto tiled floor and just ran off, this happened nearly 12 months ago. cause we took to vet and she was as right as rain. hoping tumnal(who did have a tumble) continues to improve. hoping you are feeling better too. hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
He's all better !! Thanks for asking and your kind comments. I can't believe it, he seems as right as rain this morning after the advice I had for treating shock yesterday. he wasso good this morning that I've taken him back to his outdoor home. He honestly looked like he was about to keel over for a few hours yesterday, but alll is fine today. :)
What an amazing little piggie this little guy is :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
OMG you're heart must've been in your mouth :( :( :( :(
We're so very very pleased that all seems to be going well, heaps of manly (of course ;)) piggie kisses for the 'AMAZING TUMNAL' :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks Glynis ! ;D I really thought he was on the way out, my daughter was hysterically crying etc. What a happy ending.
great news, I hope he continues to improve :smitten: he must be a tough lad :)
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