Whilst carrying my male guinea out to his run, he suddenly, with no warning, launched himself from my arms at high speed. Something terrified/spooked him...he is very tame and has never done this before. So basically he landed on grass from about 5 ft high, but also he jumped foward a few metres infront of me. He immediately lay on his side and looked very unhappy. We took him inside and called the vet, taking him in as an emergency. He was moving sometimes, but kind of stertching out and them laying on his side again, occassionally nibbiling and grooming either side of his hips area. The vet took some xrays, that were inconclusive, but it may be that he has some pelvic damage on one side or the other and he looked a bit lame. I was advised that it was not the time for him to have a GA in order to take more xrays, and to take him home, after a pain-killing injection to monitor for the weekend. He has nibbled a small piece of apple this afternoon, and has moved a bit more, but I am not feeling hopeful for his recovery. Has anyone seen a piggy recover from a fall at this height/ and or seen this lying on the side behaviour before ?