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Jan 23, 2006
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My doctor can't seem to find an explanation to this - or won't.

I can't stand up quickly as I use a standing hoist so is not possible, as it stands me up up SLOWLY. But the fainting is getting me down.

Is at least once a day and am only out for a matter of seconds.

Any ideas? :-\
you poor old thing I'm feeling yuk at the mometn as well got no appetite but have to eat becasue of the diabetes ugh! hope you find out whats going on but low blood pressure and low heamoglobin as well, let us know whats going on
I had this when I was about 16 - is was called something along the lines of Vasa Vagal attacks. Where the blood pressure is too low to sustain conscioness (sp?)& you black out...
hils78 said:
I had this when I was about 16 - is was called something along the lines of Vasa Vagal attacks. Where the blood pressure is too low to sustain conscioness (sp?)& you black out...

ok..How long did it last and did you take anything for it?

Something else to mention to the dctor!
You want to keep on at the doctors Kelly! I fainted at work because i was standing to much! lol check that blood pressure and feel better soon! :D
I would agree with whats been said about the blood pressure dropping. If that is it, your doctor needs to find out why and try to sort it out.
They just shove me away! Gonna see a different one anyway, can't keep faining even if it is only for a few seconds.

More health checks! ;)
Bleed that NHS dry Kelly! lol
you cant go on fainting! and they shouldnt be pushing you away!
Immediately though BP, you go tell them you want every dam test to find out what's wrong.
Get better soon kiddo, sending lots of loves :-* :-*
Blimey Kelly that's just not right girl. How can they not take you seriously? It makes me really mad. >:(
Keep going back until they agree to do tests or whatever. If necessary tell your stoopid doc that you're not moving out of the surgery until he referrs you to someone. Or complain to the practice manager. Make a fuss Kelly, your health is too important not to. Good luck :-*
I know, going tomorrow and seeing the nurse practitioner (SP?) she's fairly nice and gets things done, so hopefully something WILL be done!

On a good note, I didn't faint last night :D
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