Failed bonding?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
I've just tried Dillon and Daisy together for the second time, I put them in the hallway which is neutral ground but as soon as Daisy noticed I had opened the living room door to talk to Mom she ran into there (the living room is their normal run and where their cages are) and Dillon followed her. The first time we tried them together was Saturday and Dillon started chattering his teeth and the hairs went up on the back of his neck. This is a video of them after being out for about 5 or so minutes this afternoon

She was telling him off at the beginning - but I can frankly not make a diagnosis from that clip. I am sorry that things are not going that smoothly for you.
She doesn't repeatedly go for him but Dillon does spend most of his time chattering his teeth once she's had a go maybe three times so I'm wondering of this is going to go the same way as when we tried Daisy with Sweep where Daisy tolerated him for a short time then tried to take a chunk out of his face. I know Lulu tells Sweep off but it's never violent so if Daisy doesn't draw blood would I be ok to try them in Dillon's cage?
I would leave them together in a neutral space for longer, until they look more settled together.

New surroundings usually spark a minor repeat of dominance behaviour, so be on your guard. Make sure that the cage is completely cleaned - included bars and any piggy furniture.

Sadly, some sows will simply not tolerate boars.
Ok thanks. Lulu won't tolerate Daisy so if Daisy doesn't get on with Dillon or Fudge once his 6 weeks are up or another sow then she could end up being the only piggy living in a cage on her own which would be a shame as I know Sweep enjoys having Lulu to have a more intimate relationship with than just a chat through the bars even if she does refuse to let him have his wicked way with her!
who did you want the red and white sow to go with ? if you want to try her with Daisy you can pop her over and i'll try them here :)
I was thinking of trying her with Dillon if it fails between him and Daisy so might be a good idea to bring both Daisy and Dillon to yours and seeing what you think. Dillon chattering his teeth concerns me as it then set Daisy off and I don't remember Sweep doing that when he met Lulu
Dillon's a very laid back boy so she may be the perfect lady for him. If it doesn't work out with Daisy and Dillon then I'll try her with Fudge as he's besotted with her and she may be better in a bigger group
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