Failed Bonding With Bumbles Remaining Wife And My Pensioner Sow

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 30, 2010
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So after loosing Bumble his remaining wifepig has been depressed - she has lost Bumble and her sister within the space of about 10 weeks and is now on her own.She has always been the under sow - she is housed next to my original sow Truffles who is over 6 1/2 and was top pig over her sister Noodles and then wifepig to reg who died 6 weeks ago - they have always interacted well through the bars (for the last 4 years) and since Bumble died Honey hasn't moved far from where Truffles tends to stay in her house - Honey is eating well and her weight is the same - so I thought that with Honey being the underpig all would go well - so I set up the bonding pen but as soon as they had eaten all the veg Honey started to bite Truffles on the rump - no butt sniffing no squealing from either, so Truffles just turned around squared up to her and both had raised hackles - were teeth chattering and just flew for each other - it was a tee towel job - no damage done as I was ready - but sadly in my case it seems you can't teach an old sow new tricks - so they will have to live side by side - I don't even know if I should take up the offer of two baby sows from Rachel my vet as I was thinking of making a group - because in all likelihood the two old ladies I have now won't be around for much longer - or should I get the two baby sows (if her piggy has two) and then look for a neutered Abyssinian boar for the babies - but what if that doesn't work - arrghhh!
I am sorry - old sows can be a right pain. I have a collection of pretty unbondable oldies here! :(

if you have got the space, you could consider getting the babies to see whether they will bond with one of your older girls and then find them a husboar in the longer term? Sows are often less bothered by piggies that cannot challenge their leadership in any way.
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Sorry that it didn't work. Boars seem to mellow with age but sows just get crankier.
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Yes - I have the space - and would love an Abyssinian boar (Bumble was an Abyssinian ) - I really miss the rumbling I would hear throughout the evening when I was watching telly - and he was always chatting away to himself - the sows are so quiet - I am worried about being able to afford them financially though - the two older ladies are insured (Truffs insurance is fully paid up for the year and Honey I pay by installments ) - babies shouldn't really have anything major as most issues tend to come along when they get older and I would be financially ok in 2 years time when son back from uni and living at home - but I now have so little to manage on as I am basically a single person trying to run a 3 bedroom house on a shop workers salary, and I am terrified I will end up with huge vet bills after Bumble busting through the £2000 exotic direct limit by £1000 this year and I can't afford to insure any more at this precise time.- but I do have the space and could afford to feed everybody. - what to do - what to do!
I recently took in a spayed sow for Fred and initially it didn't go well. She was quite the fiesty madam. I did however give them a buddy bath and she stopped flying at Fred it maybe worth a go. They've been living together fine since.
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