Failed Bonding - What now?


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Hey everyone! Feeling utterly deflated that this bond wasn’t able to work out and wondering what the logical next steps should be.

Oreo (1 year old, neutered boar) sadly failed to go into a bond with my two 3 year old females. Oreo was originally partnered with my skinny pig Gus (RIP) who sadly has been living side by side with the girls but solo since December. This was due to bad financial situation and having to save for his neutering procedure which was done on the 17th July, meaning he’s safely 6 weeks post neuter.

Sadly my very dominant sow Panda decided she wanted nothing to do with it and a fight broke out, so I was forced to separate after 3-4 hours of standoffish bonding - I let it go for as long as I deemed safe as between the yawning, loud teeth chattering and rumble-strutting he attempted to groom her. Sadly, the next time they chinned up at one another, it resulted in flying at one another and a fight broke out in seconds - thankfully, no one was hurt and I got between them with a dustpan and oven mitts! Was absolutely gutted as I was juuuust thinking it may be okay and I could start thinking about trying them in the freshly scrubbed out and new bedding C&C… ah well.

Just wondering what my logical next steps are? Oreo is in a commercial cage, the bigger indoor one from P@H - not ideal, I know. Originally, him and Gus (RIP) were in the 2x5 C&C my two girls are now inside - my original plan was to have Oreo bond with the girls and then get a larger C&C but that’s now out the window! When my girls ended up coming from Bristol to Liverpool earlier this year, I made the choice to place the pair in the C&C and Oreo into the commercial, hoping that the bond would work.

I’m guessing next steps should logically be take Oreo dating and get a second C&C? I’m just super nervous - first bonding I’ve experienced that failed (I’ve been very lucky in the past!). I need to update my location, but now in Liverpool and rescue lists seem to indicate it’s rather a distance!

Thanks guys! Hopefully Oreo will eventually find a nice friend to settle down with!
Oh that’s a shame - you just never know with piggies - it would be lovely if Oreo could find a friend - a rescue near by hopefully could help - what a lovely owner you are considering all options for him 🥰
A second 2x5 c&c would be perfect - good luck and let us know