Failed bond?


New Born Pup
Jul 13, 2023
Reaction score
We’ve followed guidelines around bonding (separate pens, scent swapping, moving pens together etc) and introduced our two piggies today on neutral territory. They were fine for about 10 mins eating very close together with one more focused on food than caring about saying hello!). There was a little bit of grumbling that ended up in a fight and lots of chattering so they were separated. Is that enough of a signal that they won’t ever bond or should we be trying again when they’ve had some more time in pens next to each other? Thank you for any advice
Was it a full fight?
What occurred prior to the fight?
A full fight so quickly is not a good sign and in that case I personally would not risk trying again.

Their cages should have been next to each other for the whole time but it is only when they go into neutral territory bonding pen that gives you the answer.

Make sure their cages are right next to each other so they can interact between the bars.

Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
We’ve followed guidelines around bonding (separate pens, scent swapping, moving pens together etc) and introduced our two piggies today on neutral territory. They were fine for about 10 mins eating very close together with one more focused on food than caring about saying hello!). There was a little bit of grumbling that ended up in a fight and lots of chattering so they were separated. Is that enough of a signal that they won’t ever bond or should we be trying again when they’ve had some more time in pens next to each other? Thank you for any advice


I am very sorry that things have not worked out for you. Whatever you do, ultimately you can only ever try to give any piggies the best conditions to meet but you can never guarantee success or make them change their personal outlook and character. Any bonding always comes down to whether the piggies really want to be together or not.

Personally, I have found that scent swapping is rather perceived as a territorial invasion and that it doesn't help to promote a successful bonding - rather the opposite. It is not a measure that we would recommend. Most people are unfortunately unaware that guinea pigs are territorial in their denning area.
More about territorial behaviours: A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours
Our own bonding guide: Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

But if things blow up that quickly, then in my own experience you have had it. They have now decided that they do not suit and are not going to change their mind for the next few years or ever.