f10 disinfectant advice


Forum Donator 2023/24
Apr 3, 2022
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i hope this is the right section to post in and that my question is actually allowed on here lol but wondering if i could get some advice on the f10 disinfectant i’ve just purchased. will be using it in a spray bottle however the mixes on the back state 1000ml of water to 2ml or 4ml or disinfectant however because i’m not going to use a whole litre of of, can i just half the amounts of ratios to make a smaller batch? what strength is advised to help disinfect after lice / mites and can the disinfectant be used on bottled and bowls without worrying about washing them out afterwards? sorry for my question!
Yes, just use the necessary ratio you need for the quantity you want to make but once made up, you can keep it in the spray bottle for a certain amount of time. So you can just make a litre of it, use what you need and save the rest for next time.
If I remember rightly the back of the bottle gives full instructions on strengths
Yes you can use on bowls/bottles and then they can be left to air dry, although I do tend to rinse them though (don’t really know why, i just do!)
Hi, I’m afraid I don’t have the answer to your question as I’ve never used f10 but you have put your question in the correct section of the forum and there’s really no need to apologise. Ask as many questions as you like as that’s what we’re here for 😊 x

no worries, thanks for just confirming i’ve posted correctly haha! x
Yes, just use the necessary ratio you need for the quantity you want to make but once made up, you can keep it in the spray bottle for a certain amount of time. So you can just make a litre of it, use what you need and save the rest for next time.
If I remember rightly the back of the bottle gives full instructions on strengths
Yes you can use on bowls/bottles and then they can be left to air dry, although I do tend to rinse them though (don’t really know why, i just do!)
okay so just mix it the way they have instructed and keep the rest as an already made up solution. yes you’re correct - general disinfectant 2ml, high levels 4ml and for use against resistant viruses 8ml, i was thinking about doing 4 ml? however a bit concerned about using that mix on the bowls/bottles but i suppose if i rinse them it doesn’t really matter!
okay so just mix it the way they have instructed and keep the rest as an already made up solution. yes you’re correct - general disinfectant 2ml, high levels 4ml and for use against resistant viruses 8ml, i was thinking about doing 4 ml? however a bit concerned about using that mix on the bowls/bottles but i suppose if i rinse them it doesn’t really matter!

Yes if you’re worried then give them a rinse afterwards but it is safe so you don’t really need to worry about rinsing - piggies can be returned to the hutch as soon as you’ve sprayed so it’s not going to hurt them

I’d use the 4ml concentration to deal with a specific issue such as this
Yes if you’re worried then give them a rinse afterwards but it is safe so you don’t really need to worry about rinsing - piggies can be returned to the hutch as soon as you’ve sprayed so it’s not going to hurt them

I’d use the 4ml concentration to deal with a specific issue such as this
thanks so much!