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Eye Ulcer


Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 21, 2024
Reaction score
One of our little guys has an ulcer on his eye just noticed some cloudiness this morning and been to the vets, he says it's not deep and there is no sign of damage. Prescribed him Exocin and some Optixcare. Will he be in pain though as no pain relief was prescribed? Thanks in advance for any replies 💙
Poor piggy. Hope it clears up quickly. I don’t have experience of eye ulcers but I’m sure it’s got to be uncomfortable at least.
One of our little guys has an ulcer on his eye just noticed some cloudiness this morning and been to the vets, he says it's not deep and there is no sign of damage. Prescribed him Exocin and some Optixcare. Will he be in pain though as no pain relief was prescribed? Thanks in advance for any replies 💙


I would not worry about bad pain in what is likely just a surface scratch which should heal rather quickly.

The exocin is for the infection/ulceration and the Optixcare is for the lubrication, which goes quite a long way in terms of comfort and healing. ;)
Me too.
Just another couple of questions vet said Exocin first wait 15 mins then Optixcare is this correct? Seems too close to the Exocin and don't want to wash it away. Also the Optixcare gell any tips on getting it onto his eye? Worry I'll poke his eye but vet did say to apply straight from the tube? 🤔
I usually give the gel drops an hour after the AB ones. I use Viscotears straight from the tube, I must admit I feel a little nervous sometimes but hold the end a short distance from the eye and let it drop in, holding the piggy tight to make sure he can't jerk his head up and poke his own eye.
Get well soon little piggy.
I usually give the gel drops an hour after the AB ones. I use Viscotears straight from the tube, I must admit I feel a little nervous sometimes but hold the end a short distance from the eye and let it drop in, holding the piggy tight to make sure he can't jerk his head up and poke his own eye.
Get well soon little piggy.
Thank you so much x