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Eye problems


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 27, 2021
Reaction score
Of course, now Len has turned a corner, it's time for Ron to have us worried.
Noticed last night Ron was keeping one eye partially closed. Had a look and couldn't see any damage, cloudiness or hay in his eye but it was watery.
This morning the same.
Can't get him in to the vets until tomorrow but is there anything we can do in the meantime?
I’m sorry to hear that.
There is not anything you can really do until a vet has seen it. Hay can get caught under the eyelid so it is not always possible to see. It’s good there isn’t clouding as it means he hasn’t (yet) started to ulcerate.
Thanks. I'd read somewhere to use Optrex but didn't want to do that unless it was kosher. I'll get him in first thing
Please do not use Optrex and wait until you have the correctly prescribed medication from your vet. My Ella and Esme both had watery eyes and the vet found a grass seed stuck underneath their eyelids. I hope Ron is ok x
He seems to be much better today. Fingers crossed whatever it was it cleared itself, however we'll get him in, in the morning if it's still bothering him.
Been waiting to see a hay poke. None of my other boys have ever had it but we recently started buying some courser hay to see if it helped Lens teeth. Won't be doing that again!