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Eye Problems


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2021
Reaction score
United States of America
Hi, y’all!

I just went to clean the guineas cage, and when I was taking them to their floortime area, I noticed Mona’s eye looked a bit red and cloudy.

I’m planning on calling the vet Monday morning, but I’m not sure if this is an eye infection, hay poke, or potentially the start of cataracts. She’s about 3 1/2 right now, but when I initially got her, the eye that’s currently looking off had been injured. The vet said that she had a bit of scarring on it, but that it should heal on its own, and she hasn’t had an issue with it since.

If anyone has any advice, or opinions, please let me know.
I’m sorry to hear that.
I know vet care isn’t the same as here in the UK but do get her seen as soon as possible. Eye injuries usually need treatment to start within 24 hours of the injury occurring.

I hope she is ok
Please do try to have her seen today as eyes can deteriorate very rapidly and be far more difficult if left. I hope you can get her seen quickly.
Please do try to have her seen today as eyes can deteriorate very rapidly and be far more difficult if left. I hope you can get her seen quickly.
It’s sunday, the vets offices I normally go to are not open. If I had another option, I would take it in a heartbeat, but I’ve tried contacting emergency vets in the past, and I haven’t found one that will accept guinea pigs around here. I’m flushing the eye with saline solution, and I bought some terramycin to hopefully help hold off any infection until I can get her to a vet.
I’m sorry to hear that.
I know vet care isn’t the same as here in the UK but do get her seen as soon as possible. Eye injuries usually need treatment to start within 24 hours of the injury occurring.

I hope she is ok
I’m monitoring her closely for the time being. I did manage to flush the hay out with some saline last night, and I’m flushing the eye often to keep it clean. I also got some terramycin to hopefully hold off any infection until I can get her in with the vet. I’ll be calling her vets office when they open tomorrow morning to try to get an appointment for her asap.