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Eye Problems!


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 23, 2017
Reaction score

While feeding my pigs last night i noticed that one of them has one eye that is a little goopy. It doesn't seem to bug him at all but i cleaned it up for him. I'm not super concerned and assume it might be due to the weather changes around here. He was a rescue pig and has had a couple non-serious health issues (He was very overweight and was unable to clean his back end) so i just wanted to make sure this isn't more serious than i think it is. Anyone else run into this issue? Is there anything you can do besides cleaning him up?

While feeding my pigs last night i noticed that one of them has one eye that is a little goopy. It doesn't seem to bug him at all but i cleaned it up for him. I'm not super concerned and assume it might be due to the weather changes around here. He was a rescue pig and has had a couple non-serious health issues (He was very overweight and was unable to clean his back end) so i just wanted to make sure this isn't more serious than i think it is. Anyone else run into this issue? Is there anything you can do besides cleaning him up?

Please see a vet. Eye injuries are not necessarily visible to the naked eye (especially when the eye is very watery) but can deteriorate very quickly. A vet has the special dye to assess any damage and prescribe any necessary treatment.
With prompt correct treatment, minor eye injuries tend to help up very quickly and pretty much straight forward.
Yeah :) that's the plan. We have an awesome vet that he has an appointment with. Just trying to see if it sounds like anything super common. Thank you!
Velvet had a hay seed head in her eye last week and I made her an appointment with the vet for the afternoon. A couple of hours later, I couldn't see it at all but I still took her to the vet anyway. The seed head had gone down below here eyelid and was embedding itself there. Poor girl must have been in so much pain. The vet got the seed head out with a pair of forceps and a steady hand. Velvet had to have eye drops for a week twice a day and is fine now. The moral is if in doubt take them to the vet!
Well good news XD its just a build up of his normal eye discharge... he is just being a little lazy when it comes to cleaning his face on his left side lol
Well good news XD its just a build up of his normal eye discharge... he is just being a little lazy when it comes to cleaning his face on his left side lol

Glad that it is not anything serious. Perhaps his tear duct is a bit narrow or clogged.
Leela persistently had a weepy eye on one side. She was treated for potential bacterial infection with eye drops, but the vet thought it was possible she had a tear duct that was partially blocked. It does seem to have resolved as she has grown (though that eye does get wetter than the other if her eyes water, so I suspect there probably is some small abnormality that makes it drain improperly.) I would get it checked to rule out injury first, though.
I'm so annoyed -_- so my poor little guy has still been doing perfectly fine (Eating, pooping, sleeping and running around) and ive been checking on his eye to make sure nothing changes. Today i realized that his eye is a little cloudy and still watery so back to the vet! I bet he scratched himself with some hay or something, poor guy :/
I hope he is Ok, please let us know how you get on at the vets :hug:
Hey! Just wanted to post a quick update on how the vet appointment went for Richard. As a couple of you guessed, he has a corneal ulcer. I'm super hopeful that the eyedrops that he was prescribed will clear his eye up soon. I feel so bad for the little guy... He was a slight head tilt now and seems so sore. I'll update this soon with how he is doing! Here he is being very brave waiting to see the vet!
Little sweet heart, l hope the drops help his eye :hug: