New Born Pup
I noticed My little teddy’s eye started to protrude on Saturday by Sunday a white film had appeared, we saw the vet on Tuesday and they said that he has gone blind in that eye and it will be causing discomfort. He is booked in tomorrow to have his eye removed. It could be caused by trauma? But could be a tumour? But they wouldn’t be able to say until they operate.
Am I doing the right thing by putting him through this? Can piggies live happily still with 1 eye?
He doesn’t seem to be in any discomfort? He is eating and drinking normally, lining up for veggies any advise is greatly appreciated
Am I doing the right thing by putting him through this? Can piggies live happily still with 1 eye?
He doesn’t seem to be in any discomfort? He is eating and drinking normally, lining up for veggies any advise is greatly appreciated