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Eye mass?

Jesse's pigs

Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 31, 2016
Reaction score
Hi guys,

Long time no see and Happy New Year!

I just want to start by saying I have contacted Cat and Rabbit Clinic for an appointment. Waiting to hear back. And my colleagues at my veterinary practice have given me some eye drops to keep it comfortable.

Anyway, Stitch my youngest boys is eating/drinking/urinating/defacating fine and is acting his normal self- naughty! I noticed a couple of days ago he had a watery eye but had sneezed a couple of times also. I’d just given them a new batch of hay and it did look a little dustier than normal. Cleaned it out. Eye cleared up. Next day noticed it again, again quite soon after I’d just been in their stroking them and giving them fresh hay. I picked him and checked for hay poke in case a stray bit has poked his eye. Nothing. And once again the eye resolved quite quickly.

Today I noticed it again and I’ve scooped him up to check, peeled the eyelid back somewhat to check the conjuntiva. It’s his right eye only. Other fine. Well I now can see what looks like a bit of tissue? Very thin, vessels present. I’ve moved it and it is sitting on top of the eye under the upper eyelid.

Question is- you guys ever seen anything like it? Am I looking at him losing the eye? He’s only young and otherwise fine so if surgery is needed I’m gonna go for it. But I’d like to salvage the eye if I can.
Sorry didn’t even attach the pictures


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Sorry didn’t even attach the pictures


Please take a deep breath.

If isn't a protruded gland or conjunctiva (these can be dealt with medically) but it is a growth of some sort (they can happen but are generally rare) then this can be usually removed without risking the eye itself since it is attached to the conjunctiva and not to the eyeball itself. It is a minor if a bit fiddly surgery that is not cutting into the body itself and therefore comes with a high success rate, especially with an experienced operating vet who is used to working quickly. ;)

What none of us can tell you and what you need to see a vet for is the nature and cause of it as any treatment depends on it. It is however not an emergency even if it is a bit uncomfortable for your boy.

Do you also have birds?
Simon removed something similar from my friends guinea pigs eye. I’m pretty sure it just needed a local anaesthetic. View attachment 238624
Ah yes does look a little similar. And Simon is who looked at Steve when I went last time he seemed really knowledgeable and confident in surgery.

Thank you for responding makes me feel a little better :)

Please take a deep breath.

If isn't a protruded gland or conjunctiva (these can be dealt with medically) but it is a growth of some sort (they can happen but are generally rare) then this can be usually removed without risking the eye itself since it is attached to the conjunctiva and not to the eyeball itself. It is a minor if a bit fiddly surgery that is not cutting into the body itself and therefore comes with a high success rate, especially with an experienced operating vet who is used to working quickly. ;)

What none of us can tell you and what you need to see a vet for is the nature and cause of it as any treatment depends on it. It is however not an emergency even if it is a bit uncomfortable for your boy.

Do you also have birds?
Thank you for your reply this makes me feel better especially about waiting for an appointment.

No I don’t keep birds just the piggies and my dogs.