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Eye injury


New Born Pup
Apr 23, 2022
Reaction score
My Thor has had a serious looking eye injury... Possible having a disagreement with his roomie Loki. I have cleaned it somewhat but it's very swollen, bloodshot and has a white cloudiness to the lens? His bottom eye lid looks torn too!
Does anyone have a contact for a good guinea pig vet.... I think that's where we are heading. This is a war wound I don't think I can deal with myself. I live in Norfolk. Thank you so much in advance.
Oh dear, I am sorry to hear this.
An eye injury is an emergency and always needs a vet quickly, but this situation sounds particularly urgent, so if you call your normal practice phone number, then that will give details of their out of hours emergency cover partner practice.
If you aren’t registered with a vet, then this link details member recommended vets - Recommended Guinea Pig Vets

Eyes do not need a piggy specialist. Eyes are the same across all species so any vet can deal with this

If this injury has been caused by his cage mate, then I’m sorry to say their bond is now most likely broken and they will need to be kept separate going forward

Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars

I hope he is ok. Do keep us posted
Hi and welcome

I am very sorry.

Please see a vet as an emergency; the sooner you can get treatment, the greater the chance of saving the eye and making a smooth recovery. Speed is of essence with any eye injuries as they can deteriorate very quickly. The damage is often much more extensive than you think. A vet can do a proper assessment with a special dye under UV light and prescribe the necessary medication according to the severity if the injury.

If it is the result of fight between your boars, then bond is now permanently broken after such a serious injury.

Please take the time to read all the links in this guide for the practical how-to advice which we cannot repeat in full in every single post.
Poor thing- that needs an emergency vet visit. Eye injuries can worsen really quickly. Prompt treatment can help to save the eye and allow it to heal normally. The 'good' news on a weekend is that if there isn't an exotics vet around who normally deals with guinea pigs, this can probably be addressed by any vet, as the eye anatomy and treatment of injuries is really not that different between another mammal, like a dog, and a guinea pig. Definitely better sooner than later here! Hope he makes a full and easy recovery!

If this looks like a bite injury rather than, say, a hay poke (the torn lower lid makes me suspicious), it's unlikely that your boys will live together after this. I would probably separate now rather than risk any further injury, to that eye again or to anything else!
How did you get on at the vet?
I hope your piggy is ok

Have you been able to separate your piggies?
Thank you everyone for your kind and brilliantly informative replies. Got some drops and keeping it clean.
They are seperated at rhe moment. They've lived together since I got them and always had their differences but nothing this serious before. I know bores can be grumpy little things but I love them so much just wish they loved each other😂
I hope it recovers well

its always a shame when bonds break
How old are they?
How long have you had them?
They are coming up to 4 years old. They've been together since we got them. It's so upsetting. They have plenty of space (2 story 3x4 grid) plus outdoor run. They just have moments of grumbling but never this bad 😢
So sorry to hear that your boys have fallen out. Very sad and frustrating for you and hopefully the eye will heal well.

One thing I would check (as they have been fine for so long), is that they are not hiding anything illness wise. I have had this happen a couple of times with older guineas and on both occasion one of them had a heart condition and no longer wanted to be with another guinea. They both got suddenly very violent towards their cage mates for absolutely no apparent reason and after a good number of years of having a strong bond.

In both cases neither would accept another companion despite trying a new friend, changing around environment etc. In the end I accommodated them so that they could see each other but not touch and got another companion for the lonely one. They lived out very happy lives but on their terms. In both instances both guineas had hidden issues which only came to light with a health check which I got done because I just couldn't understand the behaviour change...maybe worth taking to a guinea savvy vet just to be sure.

Hopefully it was just a minor misdemeanour!
I’m sorry to hear this.
i would agree though, given their age (had they been teenagers, we would think this is a case if incompatible bond) I would have other health angles looked at to be sure they are both healthy