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Eye injury- is this hay poke?


New Born Pup
Oct 7, 2019
Reaction score
My 4yo Female Abyssinian Pooh has an eye injury. It appears prolapsed to me from what I can tell. I've done a lot of reading here on the forum and other health articles but I can't figure out what this is and what to do about it. It it not painful for her.

Thanks for any help :)



That looks rather sore and like it needs an urgent vet check to get proper dignosis and treatment! Please see the vet as a matter of urgency, no amount of online reading and speculating can provide an alternative to proper vet care. Hope your piggy is ok x

Please have this seen by a vet promptly; it looks very sore!
It look more like something burst to me - but whatever it is, it needs antibiotics in some form, whether as drops or oral.
Ouch that does look painful. Please see a vet asap the eyes are delicate and can go downhill quickly
Oh heck, that does look nasty, that can't be left.
I wouldn't be so sure about it not being a tad painful, certainly uncomfortable in any case.
Good luck.
I'll get her into the vet as soon as I can. It does look real nasty but as far as I can tell she isn't in pain.
One of my pigs had hay poke a lot as a youngster and it never looked like that. I'm curious what that is. Hope she's ok, let us know.
Just happened to be reading a guide on here about when to call the vet and read something called cherry eye. It could be that?
I emailed the photos to the piggies' vet and they said it looks like the soft tissue around the eye and that it's not an immediate emergency so I got an appointment in a few days.

I don't know if it's cherry eye, I read up on it a little bit too and this seems similar, but different.