New Born Pup
So I’m 2021 ziggy got an abscess behind his eye that caused his to pop out and need removed they removed the eye and removed and cleaned where the abscess was healing went well and has been alright for a year till now we took him to the vets as his eye swole up again they thought it was a respiratory infection and the snot was just filling up his eye socket but in fact the abscess is back they went back in the eye and drained and cleaned it and left a hole so we could flush it out he’s on antibiotics but it’s still filling up this is just our normal vets not a specialist has anyone had anything like this happen and what to do should we take him to the specialist or will they not know anything better could this be caused by another health issue he’s going back to the vets again, this poor pig nearly 5 and he’s had abscess eyes taken out bladder stones what a trooper he is having all those surgery’s