Extreme Hot Weather! Help! Heat Wave

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
We are having a heat wave this week - temperatures will be about 43 degrees or 110faranheit....

I don't know what to do with my pigs because in this heat ! Even if I leave them inside with the fan going in this heat a fan will do nothing except blow hot air back....

And I will be at work all day ! Do I leave them inside with the aircon on all day? I think this is going to the be the hottest its ever been since I Have had them.... and its going to last all week long.....
Can you freeze water in a bottle and put it inside a towel for them to lie against?
Heatwave? I wish! it was -2 where I live last night. :eek:
We are having a heat wave this week - temperatures will be about 43 degrees or 110faranheit....

I don't know what to do with my pigs because in this heat ! Even if I leave them inside with the fan going in this heat a fan will do nothing except blow hot air back....

And I will be at work all day ! Do I leave them inside with the aircon on all day? I think this is going to the be the hottest its ever been since I Have had them.... and its going to last all week long.....

I leave the air con on for my piggles in these temperatures - just can't risk anything else. Also there's the pooch who lives indoors as well. Don't want her overheating either.
I freeze water bottles and put in each day they lay on them, also ice bricks for them too lay on and I give them water melon and I freeze veggies in ice trays to make veggie ice blocks, we also have been having 40+ heat, I'm in qld Australia
I saw the post saying heatwave ...was like what heatwave! Jeez I couldnt manage 40 C heat!
OMG I heard! Have them inside with the air con definitely, scatter ice around the floor or wherever they hang out inside and put frozen drink bottles in their cage, it helps! Try putting them near the air con and if you have a 2 storey house, keep them downstairs. Also, I've been putting a damp towel over their cage.
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