Extended Cage

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Aug 9, 2006
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North Yorkshire
I have extended our small upper floor to an L-Shape for a bit of extra space. What do you think?

You might also notice I changed over to fleece. I have been receiving quite a bit of criticism lately for my use of woodshavings, so I thought alright I will give fleece a try, who knows, it might work for me, and if its cheaper in the long run, then all the better. I want to point out that I have never made any bad experience with woodshavings which I have used since the age of 12 (so that would be almost 10 years now), I am doing this simply because over the last year or two numerous rescues have turned me down for the sole reason of using shavings. While I find this sad, I ultimately still DO want to adopt rescues, and if this means I will have to change... I have to say though that if fleece does not work for me, I probably will change back to shavings, even if this limits the choice of rescues that I can pick a piggy from to a number I can count on one hand.

Anyway, the new setup:



Will try and post some pigtures of the inmates later :)
Thats so great. I use woodshavings at the minute untill i finish off the bag then i am thinking of switching to megazorb. I would use fleece but i have enough washing with 2 kids. haha. I also don't have an issue with woodshavings but i have took on board the advice given on here. xx
Looks fantastic. Lots of things for the piggies to do as well :)

As for woodshavings, I swapped about a year ago, and find alternatives like megazorb or medi bed, or even some others avaliable at horse supply shops (such as easi bed) are worth trying out. Medi bed, imo is more comfortable for pigs to lie on than woodshavings.
But fleece is also great if you have the time and patience, which I sadly lack ;D ;D ;D
missknight said:
thats aweseom where did u get your iglu tents from?

I got mine on ebay - i have the rabbit sized one and all 7 piggies hide in it at play time. xx
Can I ask where the brown paw bed came from? Kanika would love that!
BTW It looks great! I love the lay out!
Emma x
I think it was 3.99 in Netto, end of 2005 or beginning of 2006 - sorry, I am not sure where you can buy it at the moment... but there is plenty of similar stuff about on ebay I am sure! Thistle Cavies do a cute spotted Cuddlyhouse, it is dearer, but better quality, and its for a good cause - maybe you should have a look :)
It looks fab. I bet the piggies love it. I switched to fleece a few months ago now and I love it! O0
Dont mean to sound thick but whats wrond with wood shavings? is it the dust? I havent tried fleece before I use aubiose at the mo, fleece looks comfy and easy to clean :)
people say that it dries out the feet of the piggies, that it causes breathing problems, and that piggies that are kept on shavings are prone to fungal infections. I do not want to start up a heated discussion in this thread - lets just say that I never had any such trouble with it. ;)

So far so good - it took me ten minutes today to clean the cage, so that is definitely a plus, saves lotsa time. However I found one minus point, would be nice if other fleece users could tell me if its something they have experienced aswell:

With shavings, any poo would fall amongst the shavings, eventually being buried underneath. With the fleece they always lie on the top, and the piggies paws look a bit dirty already where they have been walking in it :( I suppose they cannot help treading in them...
Does this mean I have to remove the poo a couple of times during the day aswell as changing the fleece out daily?
Your extended cage looks fab Ulrike O0

And to answer your poop question, yep you wud have to de-poop every day, some use one of those hand held vacs but it kept getting blocked when i used one so i used a dustpan and brush :)
I swept the poop up when I had fleece.

Cage looks great and I love your himi :smitten:
Yes that is the main downside with fleece you do have to sweep the poops everyday. I use a dustpan and brush. However if you use something absorbant enough under your fleece there is no need to wash it everyday. I use towels and newspaper underneath (some people use incontinence pads) and I change my fleece twice a week and it's always nice and dry. well worth trying towels I would say as I found that with just newpaper underneath it got a bit smelly quite quick.

Nice cage!

hahahaha just a qn, where do i buy fleece? =(
I'm from Singapore and I'm not sure whether we can get it here?
And fleece is cotton material? so means u gotta wash it everytime or?

I heard so many piggies owner saying abt but i didn't know much. heheehee

btw i stopped using too much beddings for my 2x4 cage.. its too costly and dusty =(
so i only put the beddings on 1 corner (near the litter pan) but Sugar is so dirtie that he still doesn't get toilet train. muahahahahaa~
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