exposed penis?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Dec 29, 2008
Reaction score
N Yorks
I think Belle may be in season at the moment as Archie is following her round humping like something possessed (although always the wrong end poor girly :)) ).

She is telling him off if he gets on her nerves so all is good but I have a question. Every time I have picked Archie up in the last 2 days his penis is out permenently. I have been checking quite often since noticing and it doesn't go back in (or not when I look). It is clean and nothing stuck in or around it but is this normal?
Only in the last couple of days (so not since neutering). I do think it is all the way out, just about half a cm, maybe a little more?
i have 6boys and only seen 2 of thier peinis archie had it out when i picked him up once he soon put it away

and oscors a the vets
I've had a neutered boy, whose penis stayed dropped out permanently some time after the op (and after making love to his lady light).

There is not a lot you can do, apart from checking regularly. Strolch (Rascal) was living happily and healthily with this condition for nearly six years.
Tiger's Penis seems to be out all the time too and he was neutered just under 2 weeks ago! George's doesn't seem to be though and he was done at the same time!
My boar is not neutered, but his is not out, well not that I have seen, maybe it is just they feel relaxed?
My boar is not neutered, but his is not out, well not that I have seen, maybe it is just they feel relaxed?

No, this is something that can affect neutered males. Usually, it doesn't cause any problems.
Just out of interest, does anyone know why this happens in neutered boars?

Is is likely to be a long term problem (not a problem but you know what I mean). If there is no problem, then I'm not concerned, I'll just check he stays clean.

Any ideas on why it didn't happen until several weeks after castration?
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