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Experiences With Middle Ear Infections.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Cheshire/S. Manko
I have been away for awhile as I've been struggling since the loss of my beloved Taffybutt, so I've not felt up to be being on the forum much. I lurk but I haven't posted much. Not long after we lost Taffy, Stanny boy developed pneumonia so we were in and out of the vets with him trying to get it under control, thankfully we appear to and he is feeling much better. Now I'm back at the vets again, I'm there so often they recognise my voice immediately on the phone.
My boy Churchill has recently had a bought of anorexia, bloat alongside trouble swallowing. He's been head bouncing and masticating his jaw. He had xrays under anaesthetic today (so nervous about these!) as the vet suspected a middle ear infection or TMJ. The results of the xrays appear to suggest a middle ear infection, he is becoming increasingly arthritic, along with spinal degeneration (in part the result of bad husbandry/diet before he came to me) We are now at the stage where it is mostly pain management. We are considering looking into some physio for him to help with some of the discomfort caused by pressure points. I've read into middle ear infections and much of the literature suggests that there is little treatment, and when treatment is given it is not often successful, so it is mostly about treating the symptoms. Does anyone else have experience with this?

Also what are people's thoughts on a safe gap between doses of vetergesic? He is due to have 0.1ml three times a day and I'm not sure how long to leave between doses.

Hope you are all well and your furbums too!
So sorry to hear about Churchill. I don't have any experience of middle ear infections I'm afraid. Regarding the vetergesic, I would give it every 8 hours, as close as possible. The only information I can find is to follow what the vet has said and don't be tempted to give it any earlier. Physio sounds like I good idea. Hugs to you and Churchill. x
So sorry to hear about Churchill. I don't have any experience of middle ear infections I'm afraid. Regarding the vetergesic, I would give it every 8 hours, as close as possible. The only information I can find is to follow what the vet has said and don't be tempted to give it any earlier. Physio sounds like I good idea. Hugs to you and Churchill. x

Thankyou x. I was fearing the worst when she first looked at me. I'm pleased there is more we can do to make him comfortable, but it is affirmation that he is in his twilight years. I'm so grateful to have some more time with him. I've been thinking we might go ahead with the physio, Molly was saying that another piggy had just finished their second lot of physio that day and was progressing well, so if it can help him and doesn't place too much more stress on him then I think it is worth a shot.

I almost didn't get him home, one of the vet nurses wanted to pignap him!
We dosed 3 time a day with vetergesic and did it at 7am, 5:30pm and Midnight. Sorry you are having such a tough time at moment. Lots of love and healing vibes to Churchill x
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