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Exotic Vet recommendation!

Glad to see you little one doing well
Aw, Poppet what a gorgeous girlie ❤️ So glad to hear Poppet has a great vet, it’s good when you have confidence in a vet x

I just wanted to share the link to our vets Facebook page.. Krissy Green is an exotics specialist with a holistic interest, based in Ark Vets, Coatbridge, Scotland. We are very grateful to have access to such a great vet helping Poppet through her old age!

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Hi Adelle, poppet is so cute! Hope you don’t mind me jumping on your thread but we are taking our piggie to the Ark this week after a recommendation. This is a bit embarrassing but we are worried about how much an ultrasound might cost as we’ve seen up to £600 online. Did poppet ever need one? Do you remember how much it cost?
Hi Adelle, poppet is so cute! Hope you don’t mind me jumping on your thread but we are taking our piggie to the Ark this week after a recommendation. This is a bit embarrassing but we are worried about how much an ultrasound might cost as we’ve seen up to £600 online. Did poppet ever need one? Do you remember how much it cost?

Adelle isn’t a regular poster so she may not see your question but I suggest you phone the vet clinic and ask them as they should be able to tell you