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New Born Pup
Apr 1, 2016
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What do I do if my guinea pig won't run around when I take her out?
if you walk away from her she should do.
is she new? she may be scared. which is why if you walk away she may feel less threatened by a massive human standing over her and so may have a little run x
Some piggies love to run laps, and others don't so much. It's something they are more likely to do when they are younger, but I had a 6 year old who still enjoyed running laps at times up til near the end.
To encourage exercise you may want to scatter treats around the pen, or put in a pile of hay/readigrass and hide some treats in it, get your piggy to dig.
Rearranging your tunnels each time creates a new experience at each run-time, and I have found that all of mine will explore and do a 'tour' of the run several times over and investigate everything in there.
Is your piggy on her own? She is more likely to enjoy running around if she has a companion. x
I've had some that, although very friendly, have preferred to stay in the hidey, making a quick run for it to grab treats nearby. Others are far more inquisitive and walk up to me......often to squeak for more veggies :D:D. and run around.
Some piggies love to run laps, and others don't so much. It's something they are more likely to do when they are younger, but I had a 6 year old who still enjoyed running laps at times up til near the end.
To encourage exercise you may want to scatter treats around the pen, or put in a pile of hay/readigrass and hide some treats in it, get your piggy to dig.
Rearranging your tunnels each time creates a new experience at each run-time, and I have found that all of mine will explore and do a 'tour' of the run several times over and investigate everything in there.
Is your piggy on her own? She is more likely to enjoy running around if she has a companion. x
Thank you. It is really helpful and I will try it. Unfortunately my pig is on her own. I want to get her a friend, but my mom is a bit hesitant.
if you walk away from her she should do.
is she new? she may be scared. which is why if you walk away she may feel less threatened by a massive human standing over her and so may have a little run x
No she isn't new. She is actually about 2 years now. But thanks for the suggestion. I will try to put her in a quiet place with no humans around when I take her out.
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