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Excessive Shedding


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 11, 2016
Reaction score
my boar Warp has been shedding a lot, for maybe a week or two. Brushed all three of my pigs last night and only Warp had noteable shedding (only from the white hair on the back part of his body his section with brown hair near the front doesn’t seem to be shedding if this is relevant). He is behaving normally and not itching himself more than usual. The only note able change is his weight which is usually 2 lb and 12 oz (he’s a pretty large guinea pig) and went from that to 2lb 14 oz on November 10th to 2lb 11 oz on the 15th. Not sure of the reason for weight gain but the loss could possibly be attributed to not having hay for about a day when we ran out and had to buy some more (they have hay now of course) any idea on what this could be a signal of would be helpful! Thank you in advance : D
Some shedding of hair is normal and its more obvious on some pigs more than others. As long as his skin looks healthy and not flaky or dry.
Weigh pigs at the same time of day just once a week(unless they are unwell when you need to weigh more often) That way you will know if any weight change is significant.
Always have a spare bag of hay ...that's my motto!