Ewww.. so sad~

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piggies for food

i agree it is sad and terrible but this is their culture and like it said they have been doing it for a 1000 years.
what about us eating lamb, cows, pigs, rabbits to name some. all we can do is help and save and love the piggies we have and hope the others like in peru have a short happy life.
sorry if people don't agree with me, by the way i agree with you they are cute. to be honest i would have thought those piggies were too small to eat. thought the american cuy would have made a better meal for them.
every one is different and thats what makes the world go round.:rose:rose:rose
this was on sky news yesterday I left a couple of comments about them dressing pigs and also addressed the problem of cruelty to small animals in this country. I was outraged because on the report the broadcaster seemed to take enjoyment from pigs being dressed up!

I can understand that cuy is eaten but I don't wish to see the process to be honest, I'm sitting right by Radley and Sunshine the last thing I need to see is guinea roasting on an open fire. :-O

Here is the link http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Strange-News/Guinea-Pig-Festival-In-Huacho-Peru-Rodents-Dressed-Up-For-Fashion-Show/Article/200807315047608?lid=ARTICLE_15047608_Guinea%20Pig%20Festival%20In%20Huacho,%20Peru:%20Rodents%20Dressed%20Up%20For%20Fashion%20Show&lpos=searchresults Sorry it is so long I had to search it...lol
Hmm yea its a culture but awww, dressing them up >.<~
Kinda weird to dress them up and eat.
we dun dress up the chickens, cows b4 we eat. lololol.

bleah.. yea but afterall, like what choloe said, its their culture and we can't stop it.
boohOoo but i dun tink i will eat exotic animals... i guess i will put "guinea pigs" as exotic animals then. lol~

some people even eat monkey brains etc. *faints* i went to taiwan once and i dun even dare to eat their snake soup ROFL~ =p

sheesh.. but yea, little chicks are cute too.
Maybe one day i will have a dream of all those cute animals killings.. and i will become vegetarian lol~
My cousin ate guinea pig when in Peru... they brought a box out and let him choose one... then they literally broght it out whole and cooked later on...
brought a box out full of piggies for your cousin to choose?
awww >.<
Well, like choloe said....it's their culture and there is nothing we can do about. It's not right in our eyes but to them possibly it's not right what we are eating ....
and to the vegetarians it's not right that we are eating meat in the first place....

Yes, it's sad to see that from our point of view, especially because all of us love our guinea pigs....then we DON't breed them for food, they are our pets afterall!

I find the pictures and articles sad but respect the culture!
It is like eating one of your family! :...

I agree for us this would be like eating one of our family but as has been said before this is part of their culture. I actually think rabbits are totally cute but I do eat them. It's only really like cows, pigs and sheep but a bit cuter. Obviously I would never eat a guinea pig although a friend of mine did (unwittingly) while on holiday in Peru. I ate horse by accident in France once.

My friend used to have a new baby rabbit every January and feed it and care for it all year until Christmas Eve when her dad would kill it for the Christmas dinner! Eventually she stopped giving the bunnies names and playing with them! :)>>>
What does rabbit taste like? I've never had it, don't fancy it at all..lol

I only eat, beef, chicken, pork and cod.
My friend used to have a new baby rabbit every January and feed it and care for it all year until Christmas Eve when her dad would kill it for the Christmas dinner! Eventually she stopped giving the bunnies names and playing with them! :)>>>

FWAAaa! Poor friend =(
So did your friend eat the rabbit in the end? lol.. if its me i would cry reallie hard :0:0:0

Yea i used to have a friend from Scotland who told me that they cooked rabbit for food.

hahahaha sometimes its so amazing of what ppl can eat! i mean towards their culture.. like some ppl eat dog meat =(
And worse is the pictures are even taken... (i dun dare to look @ them) lol~ :)>>>
What does rabbit taste like? I've never had it, don't fancy it at all..lol

I only eat, beef, chicken, pork and cod.

Rabbit is quite a strong flavour, probably tastes like strong duck or turkey but nowhere near so fatty. I don't have it very often and I really hate to see the little bones so my husband has to cook it for me and take all the meat off the bones!

when i was young i use to eat rabbit until i was 9 and got hoppy my dutch bunny, he was called hoppy as he couldn't/wouldn't run just hopped he lived till 7. but once i got a pet rabbit i wouldn't eat it after that.grrrrgrrrrgrrrr
and again ignorance is bliss as i never knew people ate guinea pigs till a few years back.
what about farmers who hand rear sheep or calves who then end up on the dinner table? (not the farmer)
i wouldn't eat piggy or bunny but those that are bought up too that is their culture, they are use to it, some people believe cows and sheep are sacred animals. some people in oz eat snake:)>>>:)>>>:)>>> each to their own.
How anyone could eat these little critters, I would never understand. But cultures are different and they probably can't understand some of the stuff we eat!
Rabbit is quite a strong flavour, probably tastes like strong duck or turkey but nowhere near so fatty. I don't have it very often and I really hate to see the little bones so my husband has to cook it for me and take all the meat off the bones!

I have to admit i love game meat... Venison is my fave although i cant eat too much of it because it is a very heavy meat i find... you can go along eating it without feeling full and then it suddenly hits your stomach and you have trouble doing anything! My friend is the same way with it...

I love game pie and pheasant is my fave bird... There is so much more flavour in wild meat than your shop bought cow, pig and chicken...

My cousin just thought the guinea pig tasted like chicken i think... I could not have done it but then i have rabbits and could eat wild rabbit so i guess it is all to do with what you are brought up with and your boundaries i suppose...
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