Ew Headlice.

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today i sat next to my friend in maths, it was going great, she'd broke the seating plan and snuck next to me, and the teacher let her get away with it. I was speaking to a lad on another table and i had to look behind her to see him. O0 (hes fit too ;D )
and, when i looked up she had a pony tail and on the surface of her hair, was a small bug creeping along near the hair bobble. immediatley i knew what is was. shes had nits before, and i've always ended up getting them >:( and now i dont have my mum here, i'd have to take them out myself, which i cant do! :-\ so anyway, i grasped it and said "theres a bug in your hair" (i didnt want to say headlice cause it would of embarassed her) and put the dead headlice (cause i'd squashed it) on the table. she examined it and flicked it away, now i cant stop itching, i've lost my nit comb, so i cant reassure myself i havent got them, then again, i had my hair down most the week :-\ every time i sratch i check my nails and all i see is dandruff, but i still sratch, i probably will until i have no scalp! what should i do? the worse her headlice get, the more chance i have of getting them. :embarassed:
Oh you poor thing, go to the pharmacy or supermarket and get the treatment a.s.a.p. you should be able to get a comb too.

You know you've got me scratching now, cause as soon as somebody says 'nits' i scratch SHUDDER

We've been lucky tho, 3 kids and none of the have ever had them and funnily enough they all insist on having clean hair, and that's what usually attracts them ::)
Dont panic Nat you can get the sprays as well now they are really good or the wash in one which just kills them off

Why does the mere mention of this little blighter make you itch !
I'm sitting here scratching my head too!

Yes nit combs are around 99p, and even if you can't get the special spray / shampoo, normal hair conditioer will do. You just comb through with the conditioner in. Do this for about 5 days and they all should be gone, if you had any.
They should never have done away with the nit nurse. There was never the problem with nits in school that they have now.
And the teachers aren't allowed to touch the child's heads to check either (apparently) Its bl**dy ridiculous. Its the 21st century and you've got kids crawling with lice >:(
i dont think i have them, but, oh, it was horrible, we thought she got rid of them, but there it was crawling in the hair. and all i could think of was nits nits nits, and how i could of caught them! :-\ i hate the little things (like everyone else does) and i got them 8 times last year off her, my hair went matted and greasy because every month i was applying the shampoo to kill them, and when i had got rid of them, eggs and crawling, (i'd check my hair twice a day) she'd give them too me again! :tickedoff:
eeww... when i get headlice mum puts conditioner in my hair overnight and thouroghly washes it with tea tree oil (it kills the little bu*gers) ;D
My friend has lice once and i was afraid to sit next to her eeewww I'm itchy ;D
My cousin's Mum was telling my Nan that her daughter had recently got headlice xx0 She had her hair loose to be a princess at book day and the next day she was itching like nobody's business *scratches at the thought*

Once, many moons ago (only just remembered it) someones daughter came to visit us with their Mum and the child was crawling with them before her treatment, I sprayed my hair with wait for it DYNAMITE - you know the one that people sometimes use on our piggies!
OMG did you get a reaction and did it work, i only wash my kids hair on a Friday due to the nursery having nits again, and nits as we all know don't like dirty hair,
Amy hates her hair being brushed so its really important she doesn't get them ?
Just been scratching my head reading all the posts! :laugh:
There is a huge problem with head lice at the local primary school so we check about once a fortnight using conditioner and a nit comb. On one occasion we did use a lotion from the chemist OK for asthmatics but I found that it didn't kill the eggs and we ended up wet combing with conditioner anyway. These days if there is an outbreak we use conditioner and a comb to comb every other day for up to two weeks.
Oh heavens! My little piggy has mites and I can't stop scratching my hair.. I know they arn't that but still makes me think, I work in a primary school so always on the look out - I really do not have a clue how to get rid though - probably look on boots.com to search their products, see how much it's gunna caost then get yourself down to the supermarket etc. Head lice prefer clean hair you know, so they say on our very diplomatic letter to parents when we have someone 'infested' (sorry!) in our school
newpiggies said:
On one occasion we did use a lotion from the chemist OK for asthmatics but I found that it didn't kill the eggs and we ended up wet combing with conditioner anyway. These days if there is an outbreak we use conditioner and a comb to comb every other day for up to two weeks.

We had the same problem. We now nit comb once a week, making sure we have combed the hair through thoroughly with a wide toothed comb, apply a liberal amount of conditioner and then nit comb. If you do have any "visitors" make sure what ever method you use you nit comb every other day because after about 10/14 days any eggs you might have missed will hatch out and the wretched cycle starts all over again! Hope you stay nit free natnat.
Lucinda said:
Get yourself a shot of Ivomec, Nat ;D ;D ;D

sorry, couldn't help myself ::)
lol ;D. erm.. I mean.. That's so awful! Talk to her privately about it because if you get them chances are other kids will too and that's not fair.

If you do talk to her about it think how you'd feel if you were her before you do...be really careful what you say because it could upset and embarrass her and ruin your friendship..maybe her and her family are trying hard to get rid of them. I mean, it's not like she said 'I want nits and want to give them to everyone' did she :P so mention it's not her fault if you do talk to her.
kellyandpiggies said:
School on a saturday?

I've got an itch now!

so worded it wrong, I wash the childrens hair on fridays, so it has a chance to get dirty before school on monday, nits don't like clean hair, or is that an old wives tale :)
piggybaker said:
kellyandpiggies said:
School on a saturday?

I've got an itch now!

so worded it wrong, I wash the childrens hair on fridays, so it has a chance to get dirty before school on monday, nits don't like clean hair, or is that an old wives tale :)

Noooo! Kelly was referring to the fact that Nat said "Today at school" and this post was posted today (Saturday) :)
*Kelly* When Nat wrote it, it was 1AM so as she hadn't yet been to sleep it was still 'today'... if you see what I mean LMAO ;D
lol sorry just read back over it, see what you mean ;D
Oh god, got me icthing AGAIN!. shes had them since year 5 (according to my friend who went same primary skwl as her) which means, she's probably infested. she told us we got rid of them, and we believed her, since their were no nit sitings. i hate the shampoos, nits are becoming immune to them, and only night in ones work. and it dries our, greases your hair, and takes ages for my hair to recover. the ant-nit stuff makes u stink. but the worse thing is to have nits. :-\ it makes me cry :embarassed: i caught them 8 times off her last year because we were really good friends and hung round together, in the end i went crazy at her because i was sick of getting them. :tickedoff:
I never had nits as a kid, and was sooo horrified to find I had them last year. My sister's kids had them, and sure enough after a cuddle with them I got them. "2 doses of Full Marks later I was cured, but they keep giving them to my 2 year old, poor little man! A good lot of conditioner and a nit comb works wonders, every day may I add!
:'( sorry to tell you that "nits" like any type of head dirty or not.A certain company used it as a scam years ago to get people to buy more shampoo, :embarassed:
just checked my hair while its damp (nearly dry though :-\) and found two eggs, probably more inside, I'm not sure, I'm going to wet it again and try again
Don't forget to use conditioner too. Upside is you get lovely smooth hair after all this.
bev said:
Noooo! Kelly was referring to the fact that Nat said "Today at school" and this post was posted today (Saturday) :)
*Kelly* When Nat wrote it, it was 1AM so as she hadn't yet been to sleep it was still 'today'... if you see what I mean LMAO ;D

Ah! LOL I only noticed the 'Today' in bold! ;)

Although technically it was a saturday.. 2funny
i feel really sorry for my friend infested with lice, cause from what i heard her mum doesnt care about her, and she cant get rid of them herself, but she gets bullied at school cause of it, and people dont want to hang round with her, i have found 4 eggs already, and i cant risk it.
Hmm, if you are able to do your own hair, natnat, perhaps your friend could do her own too, if she knew what to do? It would be such a shame to lose a friendship over nits.
there was a fight about nits at my school last year... one of my friends tole everyone that my otherfriend had nits because she *saw them crawling* (she must have really good sight! and ten they got all bitchy... i was on he friends side with the nits of course ;D
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