Ever wish you were a piggie...?!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 21, 2007
Reaction score
Cramlington, Northumberland
One thing I love about piggies is thier innocence, the look of curiosity with everything they find, it doesnt matter how old they are, every day they get excited about little things like food, a twig, or a little hidey hole theyve found where they think mummy cant find them.... :smitten: Thats as long as theyve got a loving mummy I suppose, but just watching muffin watch my every move with amazment, it makes me chuckle! Random thread, but just my thought for the evening as I indulge my guineas with some spinach...if only people were so easily pleased!
Cat 0:)
What a lovely thought, mmm i'd get fed when ever i wheeked and i'd have somebody cuddling me all the time and ooooo life would be wonderful :smitten:
I would love to be a piggy! eat, sleep, wake up, have a little popcorn around. Have a look at the flowers in the garden. Let my slave give me a bit of shade & a block of ice to lay near on the grass when its hot. Have my hair & nails done on a regular basis. A good healthy diet. Can't think of anything better!
I think being a pig would definitely be healthy living, mine eat so much better than I do ;D
oh God yes please ! the kids leave you at a couple of weeks not years and no bills no one to consider except yourself, what a life :smitten:
Oh yes, when your a piggy it doesnt matter if your thighs and butt are huge! ;D bigger the better :D
yes we would be considered cuddly and cute not fat and over weight ahhh to be a piggy think i want to come back as a well cared for piggy,
Yep :) Id def love to be a piggy in my next life :) As long as I never went to a petshop or was a 'toy' for a child, but rather a companion for a responsible person :)
It is funny that that this question was asked....

My piggys were out in the garden at the weekend, munching away like they do. After a couple of hours I thought they should go back in so back into the shed they all went. Within seconds of being back in the shed all had flopped down and went to sleep for half an hour. Then they got up and started wheeking at me, and me being the well trained slave went and got them a piece of carrot each. Later that day I was eating some melon - which I then shared with them all..... And I turned to my Mum and said - I want their lives! ;D

Eat, sleep and actually be praised for being a good weight - what a life.

However, I would only want to be a well cared for piggy - some do not have the same level of luxury as those that are owned by people on here.....
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