

New Born Pup
Jan 15, 2021
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Well, due to fires and storms we were evacuated last week. Fizzgig and Squishie had to come with us, of course. Thanks to this forum, we knew to keep them in a small carrier covered in a towel and filled with hay during travel and then set up a temporary cage at the hotel. We actually brought our hand vacuum so to keep the hay mess down. We also evacuated our 2 border collies and cat, though we boarded the cat at our vet’s As it is hard to get a hotel to take cats. I was so surprised and happy at how adaptable the piggies were! They were troopers and did not complain, and made my daughter feel much better in a time of uncertainty, letting her take them out for cuddles frequently.

when I agreed to get guinea pigs at my daughter’srequest, I did not realize they could be so loving, and part of the family in the way they would “pitch in” like this To be resilient, trust us, and then cheer us up. Anyway, we are back home, they are happy to be back in their cage, and everything is safe and good:D
So glad to hear you are all safe and survived the ordeal unscathed. Piggies are very pragmatic and can adapt quite well. I’m so pleased they were a comfort to your daughter during thIs uncertain time for you all.
So glad you are safe.
That must have been a bit traumatic for you.
Happy to hear that piggy therapy worked so well for your daughter.
Hope things get sorted soon for you all.
Holding you in my thoughts
Aw, so glad you are safe and well, it will be good to get back home. I don’t know what it is about guinea pigs but they always manage to cheer me up too 😄