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Esme has a deformed head 😳

Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
I have been to the vets this morning with Esme (and Elizabeth) for Elizabeth’s follow up and Esme had her very first examination apart from nail trims. He has put her recent weight loss down to grief from losing Ella as he couldn’t find anything wrong but did notice that she has a slight deformed head 😳 It’s so subtle that only a qualified vet can tell but it’s likely it happened during her birth. Has anyone else ever heard of this? He said it’s nothing to worry about but he wants to keep an eye on her that it doesn’t cause any health issues further down the line x
I have been to the vets this morning with Esme (and Elizabeth) for Elizabeth’s follow up and Esme had her very first examination apart from nail trims. He has put her recent weight loss down to grief from losing Ella as he couldn’t find anything wrong but did notice that she has a slight deformed head 😳 It’s so subtle that only a qualified vet can tell but it’s likely it happened during her birth. Has anyone else ever heard of this? He said it’s nothing to worry about but he wants to keep an eye on her that it doesn’t cause any health issues further down the line x


Congenital deformations can happen before and during the time the calcium is building up in the soft bones and hardening them - especially with a larger litter where space is at a premium or with very small mothers or a combination thereof fi the relevant body part is in awkward spot. The bones in babies are also still a bit softer than in teenagers or adults to help with the birthing process.

There is nothing you can do about that. It's not causing any problems on its own and will hopefully never aggravate an unrelated issue.

Nerys had a congenitally twisted thigh bone (i.e. she was born with it), which accounted for her slightly funny walk and her not being able to run. We found it accidentally during an x-ray for bladder stones/sludge in the elimination process for then mostly unknown sterile IC. It did contribute a bit to her mobility issues in her last months but it didn't cause her back leg paralysis, just made her that bit wobblier than she may have been otherwise after her not quite full recovery - but she was 8 years old by then and increasingly athritic as well.

Deformations can happen before and during the calcium is building up in the soft bones and hardening them - especially with a larger litter where space is at a premium or with very small mothers or a combination thereof.
There is nothing you can do about that. It's not causing any problems on its own and will hopefully never aggravate an unrelated issue.

Nerys had a congenitally twisted thigh bone (i.e. she was born with it), which accounted for her slightly funny walk and her not being able to run. We found it accidentally during an x-ray for bladder stones/sludge in the elimination process for then mostly unknown sterile IC. It did contribute a bit to her mobility issues in her last months but it didn't cause her back leg paralysis, just made her that bit wobblier than she may have otherwise been after her not quite full recovery - but she was 8 years old by then and increasingly athritic as well.
Vince did say it probably happened in the womb or as she was being born so what you’ve said makes perfect sense. Thank you.

Thank you for explaining about Nerys. It wouldn’t have been picked up on Esme if he hadn’t of properly examined her head. I’m going to start calling her my little wonky girl ❤️
Vince did say it probably happened in the womb or as she was being born so what you’ve said makes perfect sense. Thank you.

Thank you for explaining about Nerys. It wouldn’t have been picked up on Esme if he hadn’t of properly examined her head. I’m going to start calling her my little wonky girl ❤️

Nerys had likely stuck her leg in an awkward position at some point.

Taffy had a badly distorted pelvis as the result of a very difficult birth (one of several before she and her mates were rescued from a neglect breeder). Thankfully the pelvis didn't break but it must have been a close thing and she must have been in serious pain for quite a while. I doubt that the large pup and any babies stuck behind it did survive. :(
In her case, she was able to pass and have a large urethral stone stuck at the exit manipulated out without needing an operation, so something good has come off it. It was picked up when she was x-rayed for further stones stuck in the system. :)
Nerys had likely stuck her leg in an awkward position at some point.

Taffy had a badly distorted pelvis as the result of a very difficult birth (one of several before she and her mates were rescued from a neglect breeder). Thankfully the pelvis didn't break but it must have been a close thing and she must have been in serious pain for quite a while. I doubt that the large pup and any babies stuck behind it did survive. :(
In her case, she was able to pass and have a large urethral stone stuck at the exit manipulated out without needing an operation, so something good has come off it. It was picked up when she was x-rayed for further stones stuck in the system. :)

Thank goodness Taffy didn’t break her pelvis bless her. Very sorry about the large pup and any babies, that’s really sad if they didn’t survive 😞
Thank goodness Taffy didn’t break her pelvis bless her. Very sorry about the large pup and any babies, that’s really sad if they didn’t survive 😞

Most stuck babies sadly don't. :(

Just to say, please don't worry about Esme. A small wonkiness is not worth losing sleep over if nobody has picked up on it until now and it has never caused any issues.
Most stuck babies sadly don't. :(

Just to say, please don't worry about Esme. A small wonkiness is not worth losing sleep over if nobody has picked up on it until now and it has never caused any issues.

Aw 😞

Thank you for the reassurance over Esme. I’ll try and not worry about her. Like I say, he said it was very subtle which is probably why we’ve never notice