Escaping guinea pig


New Born Pup
Mar 7, 2021
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Hey there! My tiny guinea pig has been doing a really good job trying to escape his cage. It being on the floor is my best option ATM, and I've made sure that there is absolutely nothing toxic accessible to him SHOULD he manage to escape, but I need some help. I've seen pics of people that put some kind of hard plastic around their wire cages? Any advice? Any links for things people currently use that work well? TIA!
It’s unusual for him to have the desire to escape that much! What type of cage is he in?

Does he live with a friend? How much space does he have? Does he have enough hay and enrichment?
It will be easier if you can post a photo of the cage. How does he try to escape? Is it jumping onto hides then out or squeezing through gaps? If it’s a c&c then I would put a grid above anywhere with a hide he can climb onto. Or consider making a lid for the entire cage.
Is he getting out over the top of the cage? If so does your cage have a lid? I made a lid for my c&c cage as my Elvis likes to climb over fences if he thinks there's something better on the other side.
I think correx is the plastic you were talking about. It has lots of different names, I think mine was called fluted plastic when I bought it. I've seen it called corrugated plastic too as it does look like corrugated cardboard but obviously made of plastic not card.
Is he perhaps trying to escape a cage mate that he doesn't get on with so well?

If he's on his own the chances are he's looking for another guinea pig, especially if he's come from a group situation recently and especially if he's young. Another poster has just had a similar issue with a younger pig trying to get out and actually falling and hurting his leg. They apparently have another piggy kept separately (sometimes people are quarantining or waiting for a neutering op etc.) and they are a very social animal and do much better with others of their kind around 💕 Other posters ask about incessant bar-chewing and it's often the same sort of thing. There might be something specific he wants to get at - maybe if the hay bag is kept in the same room..?

I have the sort of metal-bar cages with the plastic trays underneath (although mine are a bit modified!) There is a members gallery of homemade C&C cages
Member Gallery: C&C cages/homemade cages
hope this gives you some ideas!
(PS: make sure he is not walking on wire caging as this can cause problems with their feet)
I think correx is the plastic you were talking about. It has lots of different names, I think mine was called fluted plastic when I bought it. I've seen it called corrugated plastic too as it does look like corrugated cardboard but obviously made of plastic not card.
Yep it's also called coroplast (not sure on the spelling- sorry) you can buy it from loads of places. I got mine off Amazon. I can try and find the link for you @presleylisner ?
Update for everyone! So, based on further observation / investigation, I believe that my little Houdini is simply a baby who is curious and wants to explore lol. He of course investigates his cage, especially right after it's cleaned, and I think if he finds a path to escape, he tries to take it out of curiosity more than anything else. The two times he's actually gotten out, I have been home and he has been very scared once he's out and realizes that he cannot get back in. So that furthers my belief that he's not "unhappy" and trying to escape, but is just exploring uncharted Territory within his cage, not understanding the repercussions... typical toddler am I right 🤣🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️? As for all the other, he does have a brother with whom he gets along very well, they are in the same enclosure and love each other very much. If anything, he likes his older brother more than his older brother likes him (but OB is very tolerant and patient, bit aggressive at all), so I don't think he's trying to get away from him LOL. they get along fabulously. I'm honestly concerned that there are too many enrichment items in their cage, and I've considered taking some out and just switching them out more regularly so that they can run more freely. I do keep their hay and pellets in the room with them, but in closed bags behind closed doors. I'm sure they can smell them, but they have constant access to an abundance of hay, get their two tablespoons each of pellets each morning, so I wouldn't necessarily think that that was what he was doing either. The truth of the matter is I don't think my cage was 100% suitable for such a small little guy, but I feel 98% confident that we've solved the problem. He's my first GP that's this young, so admittedly I was a bit unprepared 🤦🏽‍♀️ lesson learned! We should be in good shape now, thanks again for all the help!
Curiosity seems to be what’s driving him! As long as he can’t get into anything that’s not safe for him. You could always attach a run to the cage so he can come out to explore that area.

Pellets should only be a tablespoon per piggy. Two is too many. Enjoy your curious boy 😉