Escape Artist

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Nevada, USA
Hi new to this website and wondering if anyone has any suggestions for my pig escaping? It's the middle of the night and he's gotten himself out 3 times now. The walls are about 14 inches high and are made of wood. (No grits for him to climb) I thought he was initially climbing onto one of his houses and then jumping over, so I moved the houses. And still he gets out! Suggestions? I'd like to go to sleep):
How old is piggie and how big are any gaps under the enclosure walls or between grids? Is it possible to post a photo?
As a temporary measure when I had a Houdini Pig and before I could make permanent alterations I pegged some towels across the top of the cage to make a sort of temporary roof. I hope that your piggie is now tucked up,asleep and behaving himself.
For the night I put him in his old cage that is from when I first got him and he was a loner pig. Good idea with the towels tho! Don't like separating him from his friends!
Yep I would suggest your piggy is managing to get on top of the houses and climbing out. could you make a roof with c&c and using cable ties?
I think that is going to be the best option. certainly a c&c or grid type all clipped together securely will, I think, deal with you houdini.
I would suggest putting a camera there to catch how he is doing it. Then once you know you can take the correct action to stop them. I had two naughty little piggies escape too and I realised they had managed to unlatch the CC and open it like a door. I tied the corners up and they haven't been able to escape since.
Are the walls detachable from the base? If so could you add an additional couple of inches all round on top of the base and under the walls which would make the walls taller but not affect the look of the beautiful walls? Otherwise perhaps add an extra couple of inches on top of the walls. We had to lower the base and increase wall height for my Houdini Pig plus had to move all houses, bowls etc into the middle of the run. Towels are worth a try as a temp measure, though!, Cheeky little devils aren't they?
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