Episode 2 of Chef-Guinea!

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Jan 23, 2006
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[colorPurpl]Hiya folks! Hop you'r all oing ok.. I am, got hol of th computr an also ma a cak toay! Was fun! Although Uncl Tonic hlp out it was still a laugh..

H thinks that I'm trying to stal th limlight you s.. so I ask him to hlp out!

M an my Uncl Tonic, also known as my assistant for th ay!


Uncl Ton making sur th ggs ar ok


Wll I ha to oubl chck, in't I? I am th chf aftrall!


I ask Mummy if w shoul wigh th ggs.. How was I suppos to know that you in't? I'm a guina pig you know!


Uncl Ton making sur w hav nough buttr


Am I mant to b in th bowl whn it's bing mix? Hmmm.. not sur!


[colorr]An Voila! Hr w go! My mastrpic! NTE - I'm only for coration purposs!


Uncl Ton having a look at th cak.. h ha a nibbl.. hop Mummy osn't notic too much!
Errrrrmmm, shoul thos ggs rally b thr? I thought thy wr us for th cak - will hav a wor with Mummy about that!


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All that making stuff givs m such an apptit!


Di you rally hav to tak that pictur? I'v got foo hanging out of my mouth, I look lik a plonka an will nvr gt a girlfrin if thy think I at lik a pig - oh I am! Silly m!


Uncl Tonic having a munch too.. vryon fancis him, h ats nicly..! Ho-hum!!


S you all soon for anothr Episo of hf-Guina! :)

ov, Guina, Tonic an Mummy (a.k.a Klly)
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FABULOUS! I love these so much! Chef -Guinea is so clever. And very beautiful, as is uncle Ton.
lol Oh I love these Kelly. I hope the episodes never come to an end! lol Give all your piggies a kiss from me! They will soon have a huge fan base lol!
squeakypigs said:
lol Oh I love these Kelly. I hope the episodes never come to an end! lol Give all your piggies a kiss from me! They will soon have a huge fan base lol!

Kisses.. ooh for me thanx! Mummy will give Tonic one cos I aint that sort of piggy! But all of them? Mummy wont let me kiss the girlies!

Mummy said she will..

Guinea and Mummy (a.k.a Kelly)
Guinea, you are much better than any of the chefs on TV. I have to keep seeing your episodes again!
Lucinda said:
Guinea, you are much better than any of the chefs on TV. I have to keep seeing your episodes again!

Oh thanx very much! I aim to please! All these so-called chefs! They have no idea! LOL

Guinea and Mummy (a.k.a Kelly)


I have just seen this and OMg its so funny. Keep them coming!

so glad people like them.. My aim is to make people smile and hopefully laugh.. People don't do either often.. It's a good release of chemicals in the body and can make you feel good!

;) More soon

Kelly xx
So funny and so cute hehe I hope you dont mind me asking but are tonics nails long or is it long fur i wasnt sure x
His nails are curly, but they always have been.. He has flat feet.. His are not the easiest to trim, but they are short for him..
Oh kool Just wondering hehe i wasnt sure if it was fur lol i may have to put some double act pics of Griff and Zubin lol Maybe of Diy or something hehe x
Aww, how adorable Kelly! Your piggies are amazing Actors and chefs! :)

Can't wait to see more - The 'Cavie Channel' sounds like such a sweet idea, maybe even a board just for it!
Hehe yeh that could be fun everyone having there own thing like DIY,cooking etc lol kelly look what you've started hehe ;D
Chef Guinea (and assistant) - yet another fantastic episode in the kitchen. Lots more please.

Have you thought of showing us how to toss a pancake - or on second thoughts, perhaps not!

Thank you, Guinea's Mummy for recording these great moments for all of us. I feel very down today, because of Doctor, but your lovely piggies made me smile.
Caroline x
OMG, they are just the cutest, LOL! I love your Chef Piggies :-* ;D
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