Entertainment ideas


New Born Pup
Jan 30, 2024
Reaction score
Rochdale, Greater Manchester
Heya all I'm thinking about getting some new stuff for my piggies! I would love suggestions of what would be entertaining for them!
We have a few things in mind but would love some more ideas!
The biggest entertainment for my lot are large piles of hay. I sprinkle their forage and veg in amongst it. If it is a day for them to have pellets they also get sprinkled in the hay:

Otherwise they like cardboard boxes with holes cut in.
The only commercial ‘toy’ I buy for mine is a haycube or carrot cottage

The thread below may help you

Enrichment Ideas for Guinea Pigs
Sometimes when I have enough cardboard boxes, I make a warren of carboard hideys with tunnels connecting them. Sprinkle in some hay and treats to find and it'll entertain them for ages!
My top tip for piggie enrichment is to visit your local carpet shop and ask if they have any spare cardboard tubes. Most carpet shops will let you take one off their hands for free and you can saw them down into whatever lengths you need. They last a surprisingly long time and my boys have always loved them whether I'm stuffing them full of hay, using it as a fancy entrance to a hide or just leaving a few dotted about the cage for them to run through.