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Endless Squeaking....

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 3, 2016
Reaction score
Kansas, United States
We have four guinea pigs. Two boys, Sparkles and Ari (for the summer, classroom pets) and two girls, Lollipop and Snickerdoodle. We brought home the "boys" at the end of May. We loved them so much we bought the two "girls." They boys would squeak every few hours for fresh veggies or if they ran out of hay. Not very often. Fast forward to about two weeks ago, we brought home Lollipop. I think she was super shy when we brought her home. She had already had two litters (she is about 1.5 yrs old) and didn't come out of her little home very often. She really didn't squeak much for food. A few days after we got Lollipop, we bought Snickerdoodle. She is ALWAYS squeaking for food. When we first brought her home we were giving her fresh veggies, now she can't, she has loose stools. It has gotten worse. Not everyone is squeaking when she does. Even when I feed them 10 mins before that. We avoid walking past the room, or run by so Snickerdoodle doesn't see us.
The boys are in one cage and the two girls are in separate cages. Should I move Snickerdoodle into a room by herself? I know she wants the fresh veggies that she can't have and I assume that is why she squeaks. Help please!
Some guinea pigs are just naturally more vocal then others (like people really).
Ad whilst most guinea pigs will squeak for food they also do it for attention, and just because they are feeling happy and confident.
We have one pig who will squak to herself as she walks around the cage.

Please don't separate Snickerdoodle from the others - she needs to have other guinea pigs for company. Is there a reason she isn't in a cage with your other little girl pig? For 2 females you would need to have a cage of at least 1.2 meters long.
And when she squeaks try going into the room and patting her or chatting to her - maybe she just wants some attention.

As far as diet goes is she getting unlimited fresh hay and good quality guinea pig pellets?
You can try slowly introducing very small amounts of 1 type of fresh veg once her stomach settles down.

There is an excellent guide to a good guinea pig diet here;
Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet

I find their 'chattiness' one of their most endearing features - such huge personalities in such little bodies.
Some guinea pigs are just naturally more vocal then others (like people really).
Ad whilst most guinea pigs will squeak for food they also do it for attention, and just because they are feeling happy and confident.
We have one pig who will squak to herself as she walks around the cage.

Please don't separate Snickerdoodle from the others - she needs to have other guinea pigs for company. Is there a reason she isn't in a cage with your other little girl pig? For 2 females you would need to have a cage of at least 1.2 meters long.
And when she squeaks try going into the room and patting her or chatting to her - maybe she just wants some attention.

As far as diet goes is she getting unlimited fresh hay and good quality guinea pig pellets?
You can try slowly introducing very small amounts of 1 type of fresh veg once her stomach settles down.

There is an excellent guide to a good guinea pig diet here;
Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet

I find their 'chattiness' one of their most endearing features - such huge personalities in such little bodies.

Snickerdoodle has never been around other piggies, as far as I know. That is why I thought when I brought her home she should be in the room with everyone, since they are social animals. She can't be in the case with Lollipop until her stomach settles down, we are quarantining her. Since we aren't for sure if it was bad diet from the previous owner or something else. Before we realized that she had a problem we did introduce the two of them in a neutral area, they were fine until I gave them some veggies. They fought over it. Same thing happened when I put them in to the new cage I built for them. Right now their cages are side by side, but room between. So they can see each other but no touching.

I guess I will leave them in the same room. I just feel bad that Snickerdoodle squeaks and gets nothing. I try to feed her hay by hand while the others get veggies. She will take it and drop it.
We have four guinea pigs. Two boys, Sparkles and Ari (for the summer, classroom pets) and two girls, Lollipop and Snickerdoodle. We brought home the "boys" at the end of May. We loved them so much we bought the two "girls." They boys would squeak every few hours for fresh veggies or if they ran out of hay. Not very often. Fast forward to about two weeks ago, we brought home Lollipop. I think she was super shy when we brought her home. She had already had two litters (she is about 1.5 yrs old) and didn't come out of her little home very often. She really didn't squeak much for food. A few days after we got Lollipop, we bought Snickerdoodle. She is ALWAYS squeaking for food. When we first brought her home we were giving her fresh veggies, now she can't, she has loose stools. It has gotten worse. Not everyone is squeaking when she does. Even when I feed them 10 mins before that. We avoid walking past the room, or run by so Snickerdoodle doesn't see us.
The boys are in one cage and the two girls are in separate cages. Should I move Snickerdoodle into a room by herself? I know she wants the fresh veggies that she can't have and I assume that is why she squeaks. Help please!
My piggies squeak lots just have to let them know they have to wait. It's only because they know you are the food mummy. My hubby doesn't feed them & they never make a sound when he passes. Bit like kids really.
Snickerdoodle has never been around other piggies, as far as I know. That is why I thought when I brought her home she should be in the room with everyone, since they are social animals. She can't be in the case with Lollipop until her stomach settles down, we are quarantining her. Since we aren't for sure if it was bad diet from the previous owner or something else. Before we realized that she had a problem we did introduce the two of them in a neutral area, they were fine until I gave them some veggies. They fought over it. Same thing happened when I put them in to the new cage I built for them. Right now their cages are side by side, but room between. So they can see each other but no touching.

I guess I will leave them in the same room. I just feel bad that Snickerdoodle squeaks and gets nothing. I try to feed her hay by hand while the others get veggies. She will take it and drop it.
Have you asked about snickerdoodle in the illness room they can normally help you
My piggies squeak lots just have to let them know they have to wait. It's only because they know you are the food mummy. My hubby doesn't feed them & they never make a sound when he passes. Bit like kids really.
She has seems to calm down a little about the squeaking. Not as much as before. I am trying to give them all lots of attention. Sit and talk to them etc. I was told not to handle her. since it might stress her out.
Have you asked about snickerdoodle in the illness room they can normally help you

I have asked. :) Lots of good advice. She LOVES humans' attention. So when the other's get their fresh veggies, I sit and talk with her and offer the tops of the hay that she likes.
Like you, I have four piggies. When one of my piggies squeaks, the others start too, and they get each other all excited. What I do when I have no veggies for them, is I stick my hand in the cage. Everyone lines up to sniff my hand and quiets down when they realise I have nothing for them.
Some pigs squeak more than others. It may just be her personality. When we first got Hadley, I'm pretty sure the neighbors could hear her squeaking for treats any time someone opened the fridge! She did settle down as she got older, though. But she can still wheek with the best of them!
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